Explain how these standards or policies will guide your actions in applying technology, care coordination, and community resources to address care quality, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual. Describe the effects of local, state, and federal policies or legislation on your nursing scope of practice, within the context of technology, care coordination, and community resources. Explain how nursing ethics will inform your approach to addressing the problem through the use of applied technology, care coordination, and community resources.

Part 2: Report On My Experience with Mrs. Dawson During the Practicum Hours

During my practicum, I interacted with Mrs. Dawson, who is receiving mental health services because of her PPD condition. Mrs. Dawson did not have any vital signs monitored. She decided to use mobile applications to monitor and control her health condition. According to Mrs. Dawson, the app uses her phone sensors to monitor her actions and alert her of potential problems in advance. The app can send out automatic notifications to caretakers or prescription reminders to her. Mrs. Dawson loved the mobile app and noted that she benefitted from telehealth services. Rather than going into the office, Mrs. Dawson could speak with her caregivers over the phone or via video chat (Myers, 2019). Mrs. Dawson also shared her perspectives on managing her condition. She agreed that mental health services are now more accessible and affordable thanks to technological advancements, despite privacy, cost, and ethical concerns. Improvements in patient outcomes can be directly attributed to increased patient participation.

Additionally, the patient mentioned therapeutic programs that aided in her recovery. Sometimes, a rural patient can’t get to the clinic as frequently as she would like for medical care. Thankfully, Mrs. Dawson could get help thanks to community-based services. Mrs. Dawson cited participation in a support group as a beneficial aspect of care. By connecting with people going through a similar experience, they can provide each other emotional and practical support. One of the benefits of joining a support group is the opportunity to interact with medical professionals in a safe and supportive environment. By providing spiritual, emotional, and social support, religious communities have also aided in treating those afflicted with illness. Mrs. Dawson worries about her privacy being compromised by introducing new technologies, but regulations like the HIPAA Privacy Rule have helped alleviate such concerns. The statute prohibits health care providers from discussing their patients’ medical histories (Edemekong, Annamaraju, & Haydel, 2021). Integrating technology, care coordination, and human resources are essential to providing quality patient care, and physicians and nurses are obligated by an ethical code that guides them in doing so.


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