Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples. Decision #2 (1 page) • Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature. • Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature. • What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature). •

Decision point 1:  Vivitrol (naltrexone) injection, 380 mg intramuscularly in the gluteal region every 4 weeks

Based on the presented case study my first decision will include Vivitrol (naltrexone) injection, 380 mg intramuscularly in the gluteal region every 4 weeks. This decision is motivated by patient current trends of smoking cigarettes, taking alcohol, and gambling. Rationale to this decision comes as a result of naltrexone drug is capable of inhibiting alcoholism receptors thus lowering intake to the patient (Knox et al., 2019). This decision was reached as a result of eliminating other probable solution such as Antabuse (disulfiram) 250 mg and Campral (acamprosate) 666 mg orally TID.

Administration of Antabuse (Disulfiram) 250 mg orally daily was not a recommendable option since it could develop negative impacts to the client’s recovery phase such as headache, coma, and seizure. On the other hand, Campral (acamprosate) 666 mg orally TID decision would not fit since it is used in form of combination including psychological and social treatment for clients with alcoholic problems.

The selected decision to the patient were primarily aiming at reducing the patient’s tendency of gambling as well as halt alcoholic cravings. By so doing, the recommended drug is approved in reducing alcohol intake to an individual as well as managing gambling disorders. Still, by giving this patient naltrexone it will not expose her to adverse side effects and other risk factors. However, comparing the expected and actual outcome their similar expectation since the patient reveals to have a positive outcome. In fact, the patient stopped drinking and reduced frequent movement to casino. Contrary, the patient reported having anxiety feeling although it is a common side effects from Naltrexone drug.

Ethical consideration

Beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and informed consent are ethical consideration that influenced the above decision. For instance, a medical profession attending a patient should ensure the client fully understand the reason for selecting a certain drug as well as the associated risk and side effects. By so doing, this will allow the client to accept the idea from the doctor without objection. Secondly, when treating a patient medical issues and diagnosis should be made primarily aiming at improving and managing the health condition (Spruit, & Lytras, 2018). This mode of approach instill client’s with confidence with assurance of no harm while taking the prescribed dosage. Lastly, patient should not be given drug without their will or get lured to take a certain type of medication.

The client returns to the clinic after four weeks after injection and reveals she has been sober since getting injection. Also, she denies having side effects from the treatment. But this time the chief complaint is gambling issue and more concerned about cigarette smoking and anxiety.Diagnosis: Gambling Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder

Decision point 2: Refer to a counselor to address gambling issues

The patient condition in the second phase of treatment will involve referring her to a counselor to address gambling issues. In this case the professional will offer the patient with different therapies probable in treating continued gambling disorder. Such therapies will include cognitive, psychodynamic, and group therapies. According to Gadde, Apolzan, & Berthoud (2018) currently there are no set remedies for gambling disorders approved by FDA. However, such aid to the patient will include employment of pharmacotherapies to such a patient with comorbid psychiatric disorder linked with substance abuse and compulsive disorder.

This decision was critically arrived by disqualifying other probable solutions to the patient such as addition of Chantix (varenicline) 1 mg orally BID and disqualifying addition on Valium (diazepam) 5mg orally TID/PRN/anxiety. For instance, varenicline option was not recommendable since the starting dosage was higher than patient’s condition. Still, this medication would create negative impacts to patient’s condition. On the other hand, Diazepam was not applicable since valium react as an addictive benzodiazepine with severe side effects.

The expected and an actual outcome resembled with similarities since the client returned to the clinic with minimal anxiety experiences. Although, the patient reports she is not happy with the type of therapies subscribed to her but she is happy joining gambling anonymous groups.

Ethical consideration

Patient confidentiality is a vital aspect ruling medics during treatment process (Gioia & Salducci, 2019). However, this rule does not allow medical professionals to unfold health records to an authorized individual witho

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