Explain how cannabis works in the body by including information regarding the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome.

Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome “Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome is the etiology of the complex array of physical and mental conditions typically mis-diagnosed as discrete diseases, such as migraines, irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia. A broader spectrum of chronic pain disorders, autoimmune disorders, gastrointestinal issues, as well as mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression, may also have their pathophysiological origins in a deficient ECS system” (McCamman, 2017). “The ECS system can be deficient in several ways: an insufficient amount of enzymes and fatty acid precursors, an inability of the endocannabinoid ligands to bind to the receptor site, a limited or ineffective number of G-protein coupled receptors to uptake the ligands, and finally dysfunction in the enzymatic degradation of the endocannabinoids” (McCamman, 2017). Cannibis Delivery Routes Inhalation Smoking or vaporizing are the most common route of administration at this time. The absorption rate for this route is 10 – 25%. Vaporization due to the lower temperature produces less noxious emissions than plan smoking (Pirschel, 218).

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