Experience of novice nurses caring patients with non-invasive ventilation in general wards.



Non invasive ventilation (NIV) is used to provide respiratory pressure support to upper airway by using external masks without the insertion of endotracheal tube. It is mostly used for the early management of acute respiratory failure (ARF) (Rose and Gerdtz, 2009) and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) ( Penuelas, Frutos-Vivar & Esteban, 2007). NIV is considering less intensive than mechanical ventilation, therefore some clinicians manage these patients outside the intensive care unit (ICU), particularly in hospitals where ICU beds are unavailable (Farha et al., 2006, Hill, 2009). One audit report revealed that inappropriate use of NIV outside the ICU is associated with higher mortality (Sumner and Yadegafar, 2011). Its increasingly usage outside the ICU, lead less experienced nurses to care for these patients’ results in quality care compromised. Previous studies have identified the following factors that contribute towards treatment failure with NIV is lack of knowledge and experience about the regulation of NIV (Kallet, 2009, Lopez et al., 2006, Lopez-Campos et al., 2006, Elliott et al., 2011), inappropriate guideline (Sinuff et al., 2007), patient-ventilator asynchrony, poor judgment about the appropriate mask selection, patient intolerance (Hess, 2011) and delay in patient care at ward level (Elliott et al., 2011).Experience of Novice Nurses with NIV in General Wards Essay

Safe delivery of NIV can be assured when the patient received care from experienced, educated and well trained staff (Rose and Gerdtz, 2009). Previous studies had explored the experiences of experienced nurses worked in ICU and identified that experienced nurses are using their practical knowledge to select the appropriate mask to patient face. They are using their communication skills to gain control on patient breathing and using their clinical experiences to solve the problems and avoiding delays in adjusting the ventilation (Sørensen et al., 2013) and providing reassurance to immobilized patients and protect them from errors (Acebedo-Urdiales et al., 2014). There is another study that covers the perspectives of general ward nurses about the NIV, is not generalizable study because it was conducted only in one hospital. However, data revealed that 67% nurses didn’t get involved in the decision making process and were inadequately informed. Even they did not received adequate consultation from physicians and medical emergency team and mostly, all nurses in medical wards state that training was inadequate about the NIV (Cabrini et al., 2009). Most of the studies have viewed the experiences of competent nurses in ICU or general ward; however no study has explored the experiences of novice nurses caring the patient with NIV in general ward.Experience of Novice Nurses with NIV in General Wards Essay

Therefore, the purpose of my study is to explore the experiences of novice nurses caring the patient with NIV in medical ward. The one of the reason for selecting this topic is my own area of practice and my experience of being a novice nurse in medical ward in Pakistan. I remembered that when I was assigned with NIV patient, I really felt very anxious and worried. Because, I didn’t have any idea about the BIPAP machine like how it is operated, what assessment I need to do in patient condition to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. Sometime, I felt hesitate to consult with physician about the patient’s condition, because of my lack of knowledge, skills and training about the NIV. Therefore, some time I had a fear of harming to patient. My colleagues also had shared the same experiences and feeling with me.Experience of Novice Nurses with NIV in General Wards Essay

For literature search, I have used these electronic databases: CINAHL (15), PubMed (45), Embase (32) and Scopus (35). I have developed the keywords from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) from each database. I have used these keywords for literature search: work experience; job experience; experience; experiential learning; nursing knowledge; nursing role; nurse-patient relations; job satisfaction, nursing practice; critical care nursing; education, nursing; staff nurses; nurse attitudes; decision making; nurse-physician relations evaluation; new graduates nurse; staff development, nursing care; nurses; novice nurses; respiration, artificial; noninvasive ventilation; noninvasive ventilation; non-invasive ventilation. Reference lists of relevant papers were also checked to identify other potentially relevant literature and take the assistance from nursing librarian. The inclusion criteria for each database were paper published in the English and between the periods of 1 January 2005 to 31 March 2015. I have also used the Boolean operators to limit my search results. The reason for such limitation is to get the relevant literature about my area of interest. Total number o

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