Examples of Integration of Faith Learning and Work at GCU for Improving Health Care Culture Ethical Decision-Making


At Grand Canyon University, integrating faith, learning, and work in the healthcare sector is a top priority. One way this is achieved is by promoting ethical decision-making (Green & Chen, 2019). Healthcare professionals face complex ethical dilemmas regularly and must have a solid foundation of values and principles to guide their decision-making process. GCU’s faith-based approach encourages healthcare professionals to use the Bible and Christian teachings as a framework for ethical decision-making (Bass et al., 2017). The university offers courses and training that focus on ethical considerations and decision-making, and students are encouraged to reflect on how their faith can inform their actions in healthcare settings. This approach helps healthcare professionals to make decisions that align with their values and to provide compassionate care that respects the dignity and worth of each patient.

Patient-Centered Care

Another example of integrating faith, learning, and work at GCU is the emphasis on patient-centered care. GCU recognizes that each patient has unique needs and preferences (MacFarlane, 2019). As such, the university encourages healthcare professionals to provide care tailored to each patient’s specific needs and desires. This approach to care is rooted in the Christian belief that every person is created in the image of God and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. GCU offers courses and training on patient-centered care that emphasize the importance of building relationships with patients (Hoddinott et al., 2018), actively listening to their concerns, and involving them in decision-making. By integrating faith, learning, and work in this way, healthcare professionals at GCU are better equipped to provide compassionate care that meets the needs of each patient.

Diversity and Inclusion

GCU also recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusion in healthcare settings. The university believes that every individual is a unique creation of God and deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other characteristic (Andualem, 2021). GCU encourages healthcare professionals to recognize and celebrate the diversity of their patients and colleagues and to create inclusive environments that welcome and embrace individuals from all backgrounds. The university offers courses and training on cultural competence and diversity, which help healthcare professionals better understand the experiences and perspectives of people from different backgrounds. By integrating faith, learning, and work in this way, GCU promotes a culture of respect, understanding, and inclusion that enhances patient care quality.


In conclusion, developing a culture of excellence and safety in healthcare is crucial for providing high-quality care to patients. Healthcare organizations can create a culture that promotes ethical practices and patient-centered care through clear communication, continuous learning and improvement and empowering employees. Stakeholders such as healthcare providers, patients and families, regulatory agencies, and healthcare organizations all have a role to play in improving the healthcare culture. Integration of Christian Worldview principles and faith learning at Grand Canyon University can also enhance ethical practices and promote diversity and inclusion in healthcare organizations. Building a culture of excellence and safety is essential for improving patient outcomes and ensuring that healthcare remains a vital aspect of our society.

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