Examine the three articles in this week’s Learning Resources and assess how they employ logistic regression. Choose one article that piques your interest and investigate it further in this Discussion. Analyze the article you chose critically in light of the following questions: What are the objectives and goals of the research study described in this article? In the study, how is logistic regression used? What are the outcomes of its application? What other quantitative and statistical approaches could be used to address the research issue raised in the article? What are the study’s strengths and weaknesses? How could the study’s flaws be addressed? What impact could the findings of this study have on evidence-based practice, the nursing profession, or society?

Exploring the relationship between individual scores and an overall assessment of a committee’s research is one of the main objectives of clinical researchers. This study seeks to uncover whether certain criteria such as rigour of development, clarity of presentation, applicability, editorial independence, specific/unambiguous recommendations, advice/tools for implementing recommendations, and conflicts of interests influence the overall assessment which can help inform future decisions and actions. Through understanding this relationship better conscious effort may be made towards appropriate evaluation of research output in order to render greater objectivity and accuracy in assessing it.

From the study, regression analysis was used to evaluate the influence of 6 domains and 23 items on the overall assessment. In particular, the research conducted in this study proved to be actionable and informative (Hatakeyama et al., 2019). Regression analysis revealed that four domains notably influence the overall assessment on a project. These are Rigour of Development, Clarity of Presentation, Applicability, and Editorial Independence. This provides organizations and businesses with the opportunity to pay closer attention to these four aspects in order to develop projects that will receive a better assessment upon completion. These results are reliable and underscoring the need for business professionals to strive towards accurate communication and presentation of their products (Sarstedt & Mooi, 2019).

There are different quantitative and statistical methods that could be used to address the research issue discussed in the article. For example, ANOVA could be used to show the association between the six variables including Rigour of Development, Clarity of Presentation, Applicability, and Editorial Independence, and the overall assessment on a project. Quantitative methods of data analysis offer a unique perspective to research as they allow us to quantify the relationship between variables. In this article, one such method which can be used is ANOVA. It can be used to test the association between the six variables considered in this study – Rigour of Development, Clarity of Presentation, Applicability, and Editorial Independence – and the overall assessment on the project. While existing qualitative evidence supports the notion of strong bonds among these categories, ANOVA can give further insight into this issue and help confirm or refute that idea (Mishra et al., 2019). This statistical approach would bring further clarity into our understanding of the research topics discussed in this article.

This study’s strength was in its utilization of primary data as the basis for analysis. Gathering primary data is important for understanding the topic being studied and also helps researchers stay ethically compliant. This study made sure to follow guidelines that protect participants’ rights and their personal or private information, accordingly reinforcing its commitment to research ethics. Adherence to research ethics ensures the integrity of the findings and culls insight from accurate sources with minimal potential for bias or inaccuracy.

Despite many strengths, the present study had some limitations that should be noted. One of these was the scope of its examined samples; the study only looked at CPGs developed by academic organizations, research groups, and other organizations in Japan. This limited both the range and potential insights gained from their examination. As such, it is important to note if any conclusions drawn from the results apply only to Japan or can be representative of other places as well. Nevertheless, this did not take away from the overall importance and validity of what was found in this thorough and applicable exploration.

To address the weaknesses, researchers could have broaden the scope of the study. In other words, the researchers could have used CPGs developed by academic organizations, research groups, and other organizations in Japan and other relevant institutions. The study presented is important to the evidence-based practice as it provides clinical and statistical outcomes that can be used to inform different research and evidence-based practice, as well as the nursing profession at large.


Hatakeyama, Y., Seto, K., Amin, R., Kitazawa, T., Fujita, S., Matsumoto, K., & Hasegawa, T. (2019). The structure of the quality of clinical practice guidelines with the items and overall assessment in AGREE II: a regression analysis. BMC health services research19(1), 1-8. https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-019-4532-0

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