One way to streamline and improve the research process for nurses and researchers of all backgrounds is to utilize the PICO search strategy. PICO is a format for developing an excellent clinical research question before starting one’s research. It is a mnemonic used to describe the four elements of a sound clinical foreground question (CINAHL, 2019). I previously worked at a Recovery Clinic in Ohio.  Opioid Epidemic was part of my job. Considering Ohio is in the top 10 for opioid use, we are funded by a state grant to combat this epidemic. The opioid epidemic has been spiraling out of control since 1999 and not getting any better.

The CDC estimates that around One hundred thirty people die from opioid overdoses a day (CDC, 2019). The epidemic is only growing, but the use of Narcan can help some of these fatal overdoses. Narcan can reverse the deadly effects of opioids and requires no medical training to use (Narcan, 2019). At the patients’ first visit I supply them with a box of Narcan. Ultimately, this leads me to my PICO(T) question: (P) In opioid users who have (I) access to Narcan compared with those without (C) access to Narcan at risk of (O) having a fatal overdose while using opioids.  Strategies to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search would be to use more databases. According to Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2018), it is critical to use the right database for the best match.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d). Retrieved September 16, 2019, from https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/epidemic/index.html

CINAHL. (2019). EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING PRACTICE: 7 Steps to the Perfect PICO Search [Image]. Retrieved from https://www.ebsco.com/sites/g/files/nabnos191/files/acquiadam-assets/7-Steps-to-the-Perfect-PICO-Search-White-Paper.pdf

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Delivering healthcare services across a variety of platforms, including video calls and regular phone calls, is referred to as telehealth. According to Painter et al., despite its claims to lower costs, many healthcare providers are still spending a lot of money on its implementation (2021). Notwithstanding the good reviews surrounding the use of telehealth in mental health services, there are still worries aboutits possible impact on the therapeutic relationship between patients and healthcare providers. Despite the many benefits of telehealth, both patients and healthcare professionals have had conflicting reactions to its use. It was discovered in 2020 that COVID-19 had considerably changed how patients and staff perceived online healthcare sessions.

I. Talarico estimates that around 15 million Americans with mental illnesses or substance abuse problems reside in rural areas. 3,075 rural areas around the nation don’t have access to psychiatric services (2021). The system for treating mental illness was disrupted by the pandemic’s quick rise. As a result, rural mental health professionals received training to enhance their services. According to Schroeder et al., mental health agencies have been slow to implement telehealth despite its rapid development in the U.S. (2021). The epidemic in the world’s health in 2020 forced mental health professionals to switch to tele-mental health. The lack of training in tele-mental health made this immediately necessary.

Rural populations were already having trouble getting access to mental health care prior to the global health pandemic (COVID19). This issue has continued despite the availability of many resources and services. The rates of mental health care use and accessibility are higher in urban regions. Yet, due to a number of issues like internet access restrictions and a lack of technological literacy, rural areas have less access to these services. In March 2020, a large number of American health groups relocated their offices to rural areas in response to the rising number of persons with mental health problems.

According to several studies, the PICOT question is the ideal way to formulate a clinical inquiry, as observed by Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2019). A well-crafted clinical question can assist researchers in assembling the data they need to back up their conclusions. My PICOT question was structured according to the Stillwell et al. (2010) intervention method, using P for the patient population, I for intervention, C for comparison, O for outcome, and T for time (duration, interval). Consequently, my clinical issue is: How do Telehealth visi

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