Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section E: Implementation Plan Sample Approach Implementation Plan The act of implementing any change within a healthcare facility involves many aspects.


Different parties, stages, barriers, and drivers are all involved in the process (Sanders et al., 2014). The methods that will be used to implement the suggested solution are the main topic of this section. The answer pertains to the issue that the hypothesis statement’s previous identification of.

The medical intervention to lessen agitation in dementia patients has a variety of limitations. The main remedy entails altering one’s conduct. Therefore, the utilization of alternative interventions would be crucial to the healing process. Participating in alternative therapies, which include music and art, is one of the best ways to calm agitation. Therefore, it will be crucial for the victims to exercise physically.

Setting and Access to Potential Subjects

Implementation of the recommended solutions will be observed in five main care centers. The recruitment of the subjects to take part in the study will be voluntary. Advertisement will be done for one week to make sure that as many people with dementia find the message. It is required that all the studies which involve human beings as the participants need to have informed consent from all the participants (Barber, 2018).

All the old patients who have dementia will be required to offer their willingness to take part in the study by signing the informed consent. The signing of the form will indicate that the patients have been educated on the expectations of the study.

Time needed

To implement the issue of physical activities in dementia patients, it is important to have a specific time frame. The use of exercises will be essential in reducing agitation in dementia patients. The entire project will take a period of eight weeks.

Resources Needed

In the implementation stage, resources are needed to make work easier. The process means that a budget must be provided to cater for the costs of resources required. The implementation stage is one of the most expensive stages and has found many of the change projects failing as a result of failing to collect all the required resources.

In the process of implementing the proposed solutions to reduce the rate of agitation in dementia patients, the following resources will be necessary. The first important resources will be the physical trainers who will be in charge of the physical exercises, the physical facilities needed for training, medical doctors as well as dieticians.

Methods and Instruments for Monitoring the Implementation

The main item that will be used to evaluate the implementation of the recommended solution will be the use of a questionnaire. These questionnaires will be administered to the patients after every one month. The method is preferred since it offers an easy time to analyze. It is also a familiar method with the staff and the leadership of many healthcare organizations. The use of the questionnaire will also be vital since it will lower the cost of the study.

The price will be reduced since the amount used to photocopy the papers will be limited (Yarosh, Markopoulos & Abowd, 2014). Many of the respondents have, in most cases, filled a questionnaire earlier in their life or have heard of it. Since they are required to put a tick or an X against the given question, it is easily coupled with simple questions about their progress. Another benefit is that the response will be honest as it is filled individually and in private.

Process of Intervention Delivery

The delivery of the proposed solution will be on the use of an integrated approach (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014). The primary interventions to be used include behavior change, nutritional education, as well as involvement in physical activities. The participants will be educated on eating healthy for the exercises as well as the type of activities to take part in to avoid straining. All the participants will take part in the intervention without leaving anyone behind.

Simple tasks will be chosen at first, which will progress with advanced exercises with time to strengthen their muscles and regain the lost energy. Training and education on what to do and what not to do are essential before rolling out the exercise.

Data Collection Plan

In the entire period of eight weeks that the study will be running, data will be collected continuously in the data collection phase through the use of a questionnaire. The participants will be the source of information regarding their progress after being subjected to the intervention.

Each week, the participants will fill the form of the results obtained after they were subjected to physical exercises. The results will indicate the effectiveness of the intervention in reducing the rate of agitation within the first two to three hours. The collected data will then be entered into excel spreadsheet

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