Evidence and Peer-reviewed Literature in Planning and Implementation of the Capstone project

Assessment of the contribution of the Intervention to Patient or Family Satisfaction and Life’s Quality

Mrs. S.J was actively involved in the intervention program and showed me her willingness to lifestyle modification. The daughter also responded positively to the interventions meant to improve her mother’s health. Drowos (2019) showed how the combination of proper diet and lifestyle modification could effectively help hypertensives. She regularly practiced running, morning walks, and other aerobic exercises to burn excess fats. Mrs. S.J started having a diet with low sodium, decreased saturated fats, vegetables and fruits. The effective communication and collaboration practice I built between Mrs. S.J and her daughter improved my experience and satisfaction during the capstone project. I created a strong trust relationship between the patient and me; thus, she conveyed vital information that helped me appropriately manage her condition. Using telehealth and m-health enabled me to call the patient and advise on proper medication, diet, and blood pressure monitoring. Therefore, Mrs. S.J and her daughter were highly satisfied with the interventions I had started to help control hypertension.

Evidence and Peer-reviewed Literature in Planning and Implementation of the Capstone project


I reviewed the relevant, credible, and current evidence-based literature on hypertension to ensure that I gave the best and most well-proven interventions for hypertension management. Using recent evidence-based literature within five years ensures the researcher finds the most up-to-date methods of controlling diseases. I reviewed scholarly literature on hypertension, its control, collaboration approaches, communication tactics, and patient care coordination. The patient’s and family’s suggestions were also considered in the research of the interventions to adopt. Utilizing the knowledge obtained from the peer-reviewed literature, I analyzed Mrs. S.J’s preferences and desires. I used my clinical experience to maximize the quality of health care delivered to attain the best patient outcome. I also spent time with an IT lecturer from Harvard University who advised me to incorporate telehealth and m-health in medical practice.

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