Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare AIU Online – HLTH320 Individual Project Unit 1

Legal And Ethical In Healthcare Essay

SCENERIO I am a paramedic arriving at an emergency scene. A group of scouts have entered a cave that is now filling with water. They were led into the cave by a rather large scoutmaster. Unfortunately, while leading them out of the cave, the scoutmaster somehow managed to get stuck in a narrow opening with only his head and shoulders protruding out. With his upper torso stuck outside the cave, it appears the scoutmaster will survive, but all the boys below will drown if they cannot escape. After I have checked all possible escape routes and have attempted to extricate the scoutmaster, it becomes clear  Legal And Ethical In Healthcare Essay
Sadly with these circumstances, the scout leader would have to be sacrificed. Duty-oriented reasoning is an actions consequence isn’t as important as the actual moral law behind the action. Just to give an example: a person must be honest only because it is morally the right thing to do, even if the truth has a bad outcome in the end. One shouldn’t lie because it’s their duty to be honest and not tell an untruth even if it would save a life. The reasoning behind duty oriented reasoning is the intention, and is based on universal principles that guide actions (Fremgen, 2009). Consequence-oriented reasoning, or consequentialism, uses a cost/benefit analysis to benefit as many people as possible (Fremgen, 2009; Rosenstand, 2003). This is the part that was mentioned above in regards to having a greater significance than the actions taken. Or simply put: the consequences signify that the end results are justified by the means. So in this situation, it would be the lives of the troop are in a way more important that one person which would be the scout master. Morally, it is imperative to always help as many as possible. In this scenario, although its sad to have to sacrifice anyone, it would be neccessary on moral grounds to save the greatest number of individuals and let the least amount suffer. Virtue-ethics reasoning is based on what a virtuous Legal And Ethical In Healthcare Essay


Josh tests positive for hepatitis C. DR. Smith who ordered the labs is also Josh’s brother-in-law. When Dr. Smith informs Josh that his results will be reported to the public health department, asks Dr. Smith not to report him as a favor since they are family and he promises to get treatment somewhere else. Josh is embarrassed by the way he contracted the disease. Not only is Dr. Smith asked to break the law by his brother-in-law, his wife, Josh’s sister, who is concerned for her brother expects Dr. Smith to share the test results of his patient.

If he tells her anything without Josh’s consent he will violate HIPPA. Dr Smith is worried about being accused of malpractice if he gives in and doesn’t ensure Josh’s results are not only reported but also that he receives proper care for the diagnoses. This case is legally and ethically sensitive. The doctor faces issues with relationships, confidentiality, consent, legal requirements of treating communicable diseases, as well as malpractice. Legal and “Ethical issues in healthcare are common. Nearly every decision that’s made has ethical implications--for patients, for providers and for healthcare leaders.“ (Larson, 2013).Legal And Ethical In Healthcare Essay
The first ethical violation that Dr. Smith is guilty of is having a personal relationship with a patient. “Relationships with patients are forbidden by both the medical and nursing code of ethics. Such actions are considered serious misconduct and can result in expulsion from the profession and losing the license to practice” (Greenwood, 2013). Because of the relationship with the patient, Dr. Smith is being asked to violate the patient’s confidentiality. “Confidentiality is both an ethical and a legal issue.
Keeping information about a patient confidential is a way of showing respect for the person’s autonomy; releasing information can damage the patient. ” (Greenwood, 2013). Dr. Smith’s wife asks him to share medical information about her brother, She feels she has the right to this information but does not understand the position she is putting her husband in. he understands her concerns for her brother, however if this were any other patient Dr. Smith would never consider discussing a patient with her. “There are also specific laws regarding the release of information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA.Legal And Ethical In Healthcare Essay

The laws define exactly what information can be released and to whom. ” (Greenwood, 2013). Dr. Smith needs to ensure he keeps the confidentiality of his patient and doesn&rsq

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