Essay on the Core Principles of Equality and Non-Discrimination in International Human Rights Law



The core principles of equality and non-discrimination are neither absolute nor neutral because human rights are violated by people globally. Human rights are not respected because some people see themselves as superior and feel that they are above the law. The rise in inequality and discrimination across the world is a trend and has affected a large number of people in many nations from the humblest to the greatest wealthy groups. Equality and non-discrimination are precisely intrinsic in the impression of unity in self-respect and value of human beings in that not all variances in the lawful treatment are biased because all treatments legally are violent to human self-respect. There occur some differences that may give growth in lawful conduct and do not disrupt the values of fairness. They can be useful in achieving justice and also for protecting those who feel illegally discriminated against.

Human Rights

The values of human rights were drawn by humans as a way of making sure that the self-respect of everyone is correspondingly appreciated. Self-respect gives a person a sense of self-worth. The existence of human rights shows that human beings are conscious of each other’s self-worth. Human self-respect is part of common humanity. A person’s understanding of human rights affects one’s views on them. A spiritual perspective of human rights is extra striking if such rights are considered equal to all human species rather than just those of its affiliates who have respected assets.

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All human rights are owned by every single human being. [1]The international human rights system initiated the impression that people have a similar set of equal human rights. The right to equality requires all countries and states to treat people differently so that they can overcome the ancient outlines of disadvantaging people and attain fairness amongst them. The word equality defines the oneness of the human family. The fact that all human beings are equivalent also warrant to be given equal treatment has a prevailing positive petition. The principle of equality and non-discrimination has added a very significant rank in international law. It is now encompassed in the crucial human rights devices in different states. Human rights are general and absolute; co-dependent and interconnected and undividable.[2] Human rights are universal because all individuals are entitled to them. They are indivisible because all human rights have equivalent status and cannot be placed in a ranked order. They are interdependent and interrelated because each one subsidizes the realization of a being’s dignity.

Important assessments of human rights have grasped a climax. Despite being significant in modern times, human rights face privileges of being irrelevant and guesses of fading away. Social science faces an acquainted repeat of analysis. The analysis has also catalyzed a counter-analysis. A theory suggests that the turn to human rights has been successful more than imagined.


Equality assures us that every human being is born unrestricted and equal. Equality supposes that all individuals have and deserve a similar level of respect, all people deserve the same kind of respect. All laws, programs and, policies should not discriminate against anyone and, that the public authorities must not impose rules, programs and, policies in a prejudiced way. At times it is essential to treat individuals in different ways to attain equality. This is because the difference amongst individuals may make it hard for them to enjoy their rights without sustenance from other people. Official fairness happens when rules and strategies demand different individuals to be treated the same way in that they should not be victimized. Equality of opportunity occurs when people may face limitations that may occur outside their control, such as race, gender, social status and, disability. Substantive equality pursues to guarantee equality of outcomes and equality of opportunity. It sees each person as equally entitled to fully enjoy equal rights irrespective of their capacity to contribute to society. Equal and inalienable is a general principle for all human beings. There exist two kinds of equality, substantive equality and formal equality. Formal equality shows that the laws and the governme

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