Essay on Racism and Its Impacts on Government Employment Opportunities




Racism generally refers to the dominance of a group of people belonging to a specific race and believed to be the majority over the minority race. Racism usually occurs at three levels, that is microlevel, mesolevel, and macro level. At the micro-level, racism occurs between the individuals; institutions are the main components in the mesolevel, while at the macro-level cultural aspects of racism dominate. On the other hand, employment generally refers to the state of being in work that is paid. An individual may either be self-employed or an employee. Employees are mainly categorized as temporary or permanent based on the terms of employment between the employee and the employer. Depending on the working hours, the employees may be part-time or full-time.

Employment is a source of income for individuals in society. It aids in the improvement of the living and social welfare of the people. However, the researchers have observed employment discrimination due to racial segregation of the people. The hiring, promotion, recruitment and training process of job seekers have been under the influence of the race of the people within the public and private institutions. The research study examines the effects of racism in public institutions on employment levels and promotions.

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Background of the study

Despite the global economy showing positivity in the growth rate, unemployment is inevitable. Currently, the unemployment rate in the world today stands at approximately 5%. Many countries in the world are aiming to provide sustainable working conditions. The provision of enabling working environment aligns with Sustainable Development Goal number eight. In addition, the countries are struggling to create more job opportunities in the private and public sectors. The developing countries are particularly formulating robust policies that enhance twenty-four working economies. The focus is to improve economic growth and promote job opportunities that raise the people’s standard of living (Khan & Chaudhry, 2019).

In the context of employment provision, particularly in the government, institutions’ selection of the employees’ criteria is an emerging issue. The hiring, training, and recruitment processes are unfair. Unemployment as a social aspect escalates poverty in a region or country, thus widens economic inequalities and becomes a threat to an economy (Elmes, 2018). It is essential, therefore, to understand the causes of economic disparities. Poor quality jobs, low education levels, unemployment, ownership to marginalized communities, and association with minority ethnic groups or races are some of the causes of economic inequalities.

The exploration of the racism that attributes to economic disparities is very crucial. Institutional racism involves the enactment of policies and policies that favors the majority group. Restrictions are imposed on the minority groups on the availability and access to essential services. The vital services may include access to housing, health services (Atkin, 2018), and employment opportunities. The information retrieved from this research study will aid in understanding how institutional racism has immensely contributed to the imbalance in employment opportunities. Moreover, the existing literature extensively addresses the issues of social injustice such as sexual violence, gender inequality, poor housing, unequal access to education, and unfairness in criminal justice. Focus on the institutional aspect and employment trends thus fill the knowledge gap.

Research Problem Statement

Every country targets to reduce the inequalities within the individuals. The inequalities mainly encompass income and gender inequalities. Earlier scholars observed that income inequalities arise from unequal access to employment opportunities among individuals. The principal focus of Sustainable Development Goal number ten is to promote equal access to resources and opportunities by all (United Nations, 2019). Access to opportunities will enhance rapid economic growth and improvement of social welfare. Reduction of depression and establishing strong families is eminent in a society that promotes equality in economic and social aspects.

Even with all the government and non-governmental institutions’ support in campaigning for equal access to job opportunities, the efforts have proven futile. People have observed that it has always been marred with discrimination and inequality in the job recruitment process. Governmental employment opportunities usually have been associated with unfairness in hiring, recruitment, training, and prom

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