Essay on Minor 16years Abortion and Parent Consent

Essay on Minor 16years Abortion and Parent Consent


Over the years, abortion has remained one of the most controversial issues among many countries. Different laws and policies involving abortion have been developed depending on the people’s perception of abortion. It is essential to understand that abortion is perceived and interpreted differently in society because of different cultural and religious groups. Like other parts of the world, America has considered abortion in the young generation the most critical issue requiring more attention. In this regard, many American states have legalized abortion among young adults regardless of the external powers such as culture and religious groups criticizing the act. Many states in America have considered legalizing abortion, which was termed a violation of women’s rights and young adolescents. In this effort, American States permitted abortion as a form of respecting the rights of women from healthy issues relating to risky abortion. Since 2019, about thirty-six States have enforced laws requiring young individuals to access parental consent before committing an abortion. In this connection, several young adolescents facing an undesired pregnancy decide to inform their parents. Several adolescent girls do not involve their parents seeking abortion for fear of family disappointment and avoiding home violence. These young individuals need to receive medical assistance from qualified professional health practitioners. The laws and policies enforced to prohibit abortion prevented young girls from accessing their health, thus endangering their life safety.[1]. The American society has been in the front line in enhancing individuals to self-decision relating to their sexual issues and reproductive health in the absence of parental consent. However, in some incidents, young adolescents involve parents before practicing abortion to seek emotional and logistic support.

Young adults may involve their parents in their act of abortion in a close and strong relationship with their parents. Adolescents who consider their parents as their emotional supporters will comfortably inform them about the incident. Some young adults will be influenced by parents’ love and care to involve their parents in matters. Minor individuals are confident that their parents will stand as their accurate respondents in their difficult moments. A young girl may remember the unconditional support they receive from their mum through talks and get convinced to let the parent know their situation.[2]. Young adults will feel free to share their conditions with parents to strengthen their good relationship with parents. Although the young adolescent might feel ashamed of their parent due to pregnancy issues, the minor adults will think that parents will understand and consider them. Therefore, the close and strong relationship between the minor and their parent will facilitate parental consent in abortion.

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Minor adults will tend to inform their parents before committing abortion when the incidence can no longer remain a secret. Parents have higher experience in life to the extent that minors cannot keep pregnancy and abortion a secret. For example, teenagers who stay in the same house with their mothers will disclose their secrets to their parents.[3]. In this connection, parents will be more sensitive to any noticeable change of minor behavior and symptoms, thus becoming hard for young girls to hide their pregnancy and abortion decision. The minors who realize that pregnancy and abortion cannot remain as their secret will involve parents in their act of abortion.

Some young girls will consider involving their parents in favor of obtaining financial and other logistic assistance. It is important to note that seeking medical aid for abortion needs money. Besides, the minor adult may experience difficulty raising the required amount to do abortion according to the doctor’s descriptions.[4]. Young individuals will reveal the secret to their parents, who can afford the required amount for them. Additionally, these young individuals consider some risks associated with abortion and involve their parents, who may help in an emergency. Though telling parents about th

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