escribe the most appropriate leadership style and/or strategy to apply in the scenario you chose in order to implement the recommendations successfully. Justify your selection. Strategies to Effectively Manage Health Care Resources Essay

Scenario 1
You work in a for-profit nursing home, with about 100 beds, on a 20-bed unit that is largely patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Your patient mix is predominantly Medicare and Medicaid patients. Your nursing home is part of a larger system that includes a major medical center, as well as VNA, outpatient dialysis, and a fully integrated network. Your nurse manager is getting feedback from the hospital that your nursing home is sending too many patients to the ED who really don’t need to go. How would you go about figuring out what could be done at the nursing home to prevent avoidable ED visits? Strategies to Effectively Manage Health Care Resources Essay

Scenario 2
You’ve been associated with an outpatient cardiology clinic that is part of a large academic medical center. Your patients are mostly charity care and managed Medicaid. Most have a prescription plan, but none have a “family doctor” and use the clinic (and the ED) regularly. Most are unfamiliar with their medications and do not have the resources for care coordination in their family/social network. About 25 CHF patients have been “lovingly,” but inappropriately, called “frequent fliers” because of their inability to manage their own care, their frequent visits to the ED, and their “one night stays” paid at the observation rate. As a staff nurse in this clinic, describe the strategies you could devise for you and your fellow staff nurses targeting these 25 patients. Find at least one article from the professional literature to corroborate your recommendations. Strategies to Effectively Manage Health Care Resources Essay

Healthcare management is a kind of process that seeks to manage and overlook properly one or two elements of the healthcare system. Today, great chances are there to become a manager within the healthcare field. If we find Apollo Hospital groups, it tends clear that they have applied healthcare management properly in their vast business. (Mclaughin, 2008) The current surrounding and environment for the healthcare organizations consists of many forces that demands extraordinary changes in the organizations. These forces consist of increased customer look, changing demographics, strengthen governmental pressure and rise in competition. Meeting such challenges requires efforts from the side of healthcare organizations such that they can be thorough with the fundamental changes and consistently inquire the new actions so as to produce new values. Strategies to Effectively Manage Health Care Resources Essay Healthcare is an information-intensive process. Pressures for the professional and healthcare managers is rising as healthcare organizations are looking for the ways that lessen the costs, enhance quality and able to access the managed care. Also, healthcare has been developed as a complex system. There should be proper coordination of the information technology with the twofold effects of the complicacies in organizations still assuring consistent growth in the field of medical technology.

Apollo Hospital
In today’s world, Apollo Hospital Group has not only gained name but has also become a leader in the field of health care centers by delivering quality health care in Asia. Besides, it is being considered to be the biggest incorporated firm in healthcare aspect as well as it is complete in every aspect. Strategies to Effectively Manage Health Care Resources Essay

Apollo is a powerhouse which you can trust blindly as its business is vast expanded with over 50 hospitals inclusive of 8500 beds, diagnostic clinics, a chain of hospital management colleges and nursing schools across Asia. Aim of Apollo Hospital is to make use of advanced technology with old traditions which are running down from centuries.

Apollo Hospital Enterprise Limited was actually incorporated as a Public company in1979. With the contributions of Dr. C Reddy, it became the first group that opened up the notion of corporate delivery in healthcare in India. It was then, the first company to be listed on the Bombay stock Exchange. Strategies to Effectively Manage Health Care Resources Essay

The objective behind the incorporation of Apollo Hospital is that it aims to deal with the day to day problems related to healthcare of families, to provide quality services in healthcare to its patients under common roof and at reasonable prices.

With this, it needs to have consultation with super specialties, specialties, Health check packages, dentistry procedures, comprehensive diagnostic services, 24*7 medical facilities and telemedicine.

The Healthcare Perspective
The need and demands for quality healthcare services has been increased so fast that it has become an issue for the Apollo Hospital as well. With new trends, pressure is there to deliver new and better delive

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