Erikson's Stage of Development Essay Tina is 5 years old, lives with her mother and grandmother. Mother works 2 jobs to help support her mother and her daughter. Tina is well cared for but is now admitted for a cardiac catheterization due to the Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) that was noted at birth.Erikson's Stage of Development Essay

In Erik Erikson’s theory he explains that in every stage, a positive or a negative attitude is developed within an individual. During our developing stages we are either successful or we fail. Each stage will come to us whether or not we’re ready for them or not. You can think of the stages as learning stages where crisis occur .Only if we have learned from the previous crisis we are successful. You cannot avoid 1 stage and move to a next stage because of the developing process. The outcome of our lives depends on the way we chose to progress throughout each stage in life. Erikson had his own way in describing each stage in life that we all must go through. Erik Erikson’s eight Stages of man; politically known as the eight stages of…show more content…Erikson's Stage of Development Essay
Because the theories focus on development, there is no way to avoid these stages, they are a part of our natural development. Every crisis tests our ego. If you want to be prepared for the next crisis a solution must be found for the previous crisis .This is known as the favorable ratio, which is developing more adaptive than maladaptive behaviors. Each crisis is named after the adaptive vs. maladaptive way of dealing with the problem. From the beginning of time up until 18 months a sense of security has to be gained. As an infant trust has to be gained. Infants have to be able to trust their guardians when unseen without going through intense uneasiness or animosity. Many parents don’t realize just how much nurturing and caring for your child is important. Trust in the world has to be gained by the child; they need to know that everything will be taken care of. Mistrust is born if the child is led to believe that his/her guardian can’t meet their basic needs. Tender, love, and care is very critical. Favorable ratio has to be developed as previously stated, simply meaning that the majority of the behavior developed is adaptive and only a few should be maladaptive behaviors. You would want them to gain some kind of mistrust. For example, you wouldn’t want them to just talk to anyone and let that person talk them in to taking them away. During stage 2, around the ages of 1-3 years of age, we develop the ability to rely on our self. Erikson's Stage of Development Essay

According to Eric Erikson, once a person matures it has to go through eight different social stages. Each stage has a positive side and a negative side. If they meet positive characteristics, their future is good. Therefore, to what extent will the lack of strengthening of the favorable characteristics of Ericsson 's psychosocial development stage affect you. The effect is terrible. In particular, the only property that is satisfied at all stages is the downside.

The theory of psychosocial development of Erik Erikson emphasizes developmental socio-cultural determinants and presents them as 8 levels of psychosocial conflicts (often referred to as psychosocial development stages of Erikson), and no one Must overcome or successfully resolve these steps. Adapting to the environment According to Erik Erikson's theory, we all encountered a crisis that contributes to psychosocial growth at every stage of Erikson's psychosocial development. Whenever we encounter such a crisis we have no choice but to confront it and find a way to solve it. Failure to overcome this crisis may have a major impact on our psychosocial development Erikson's Stage of Development Essay

Developmental theory is a psychological phase of life. Erik Erikson is known for his psychosocial development stage and the creation of the term "identity crisis". Ericsson's theory of psychosocial development is one of the most famous personalities theory. Like Freud, Ericsson believes that personality develops in a series of eight stages. Unlike Freud's psychosocial phase theory, Ericsson's theory represents the impact of social experience throughout the lifecycle. Erik Erikson's eight stages of development

The development of personality is mainly studied by the theory of psychosocial development of Ericsson. Ericsson's theory includes eight levels of psychosocial development and these theories are arranged in the following order: Phase 1 - trust and disbelief phase 2 - Autonomy and shame and suspicion Phase 3 - Initiative and Guilt Stage 4 - Industry and Disadvantage 5 - Identity and Chaos (Adolescence: 12 - 20 Years) Stage 6 - Intimacy and Isolation Stage 7 - Stage of Generation and War Stage 8 - Stage of Integrity and Despair 5th of the Ericsson Theory The stage reflects adolescence. In the meantime, Erikson insists that individuals ask questions and explore their identity and their role in society. In addition, those who did not overcome the identity crisis did not form a stable identity, became enthusiastic about delayed behaviors and actions, said that i

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