Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants

Caregivers of Infants

 Select one environmental factor that has the potential of harming an infant  Create a health promotion plan for the parent to mitigate the environmental factor  Create a recommendation list to prevent accidents  Explain interventions from evidence based research  Outline community, web-based national resources with their contact informationObjective

Indoor Air Pollution  Includes dust, dirt or gas inside a building that can be harmful to breath in  They are caused by (Vardoulakis et al., 2020):  Fumes  Smoking  Cleaning products  Material for construction  Heating systems Too much humidity Environmental Factor

 Indoor pollution can be caused by preventable factors and factors that we can't control (Tran et al., 2020).  Strategies for reducing indoor air pollution:  Increasing ventilation by opening windows  Never allowing smoking in the house  Using exhaust fans in the cooking areas  Frequent change of filters  Vacuuming the carpets and floor Using mild cleaning product Health Promotion Plan To Address The Environmental Factor And Overall Health And Well-being Of Infants

 In health promotion, there are strategies that a parent or caregiver can implement.  They include (Ho et al., 2022):  Eliminating the use of footwear in the house  Ensure the child is hydrated  Dress the infant according to the weather  Cleaning surfaces  Use the humidifier sparingly  Secure hazardous areas Develop a hand washing culture Health Promotion Plan To Address The Environmental Factor And Overall Health And Well-being Of Infants cont.

 There are different ways that an infant can have an accident.  Infants can fall, burn, consume poison, choke, scald or drown.  For accident prevention and safety of an infant, the parent should (Mi Yeon Kim et al., 2022): o Never leaving the baby alone near water o Clear the infant's sleeping area o Keeping the infant away from fire o Feeding the child fresh food o Using warm food o Removing small objects that the infant can grab and swallowAccident Prevention and Safety Promotion

 There are some evidence-based research that indicates the effects of indoor pollution.  In a research paper by adaji et al. (2018), pneumonia leads to 1 million deaths in children  The author cites previous research that show indoor air pollution can be caused by: Using solid fuel Carbon dioxide Some particles to particulate matterEvidence-based Examples

 There is a research study by Woolley et al. (2021), the authors found that evidence- based strategies to prevent indoor air pollution  They include: Only clean fuel Ventilation Avoiding fire when carrying a child The intervention have been effectively used Interventions from Research

 There is also a research paper prepared by Carlsten et al. (2020), they gave suggestion to reduce indoor pollution for infants  They include: o Clean fuel o Ventilation o Using efficient cooking stoves o Using HEPA-fitted air filters  Previous research also support these suggestionsSuggestion from Research

 In Texas, resources available help families identify ways of reducing indoor air pollution  The community resources include: Assured Indoor Air Quality LP Company Dallas, TX 2515 Manor Way Dallas, Tx 75235-5611, US. Texas Children's Hospital The Woodlands, TX 77384 832-824-1000, USCommunity Resources

 A national resource that can provide information to parents on preventing indoor pollution for infants is American Academy of Pediatrics  Address and contact is: 345 Park Boulevard Itasca, IL 60143, USA 800/433-9016 847/434-8000 (fAX)National Resource

 Web resources are important because parents rely on the internet for critical information  A web resource that can be used is the National Resource Centre for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. Contact: 888-227-5125 Email : health@ecetta.info.Web-based Resource

 Infants in their first year are vulnerable to many things  They can get sick from health issues such as indoor air pollution  This is because they are move vulnerable  There are measures to prevent indoor air pollution  There are resources available to inform parents on caring for infantsConclusion

 Adaji, E. E., Ekezie, W., Clifford, M., & Phalkey, R. (2019). Understanding the effect of indoor air pollution on pneumonia in children under 5 in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of evidence.Environmental Science and Pollution Research International,26(4), 3208-3225.https:// doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-3769-1  Carlsten, C., Salvi, S., Wong, G. W. K., & Chung, K. F. (2020). Personal strategies to minimise effects of air pollution on respiratory health: advice for providers, patients and the public.European Respiratory Journal,55(6), 1902056.https://doi.org/10.1183/13993003.02056-2019  Ho, Y.-C. L., Mahirah, D., Ho, C. Z.-H.

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