Enhanced Information Systems will Promote Safe Practice and Quality Outcomes NURS FPX 6412 Assessment 3 Manuscript for Publication


The eMAR system reduced the burden on healthcare providers, preventing them from providing care coordination to the patient. The eMAR system reduced medication errors that contributed to adverse events, which led to long treatment periods and prevented healthcare providers from collaborating and communicating with patients. As a result, the patients were unclear about their healthcare plans and often followed their prescription incorrectly or did not follow it. The negligence contributed to increased healthcare disparities as the patients could not benefit from their healthcare plans due to a lack of knowledge. The introduction of the eMAR system increased the time for healthcare providers to communicate and collaborate with the patient to make patient-centered care plans, leading to quality and safe care as errors were detected beforehand (Bacon & Hoffman, 2020). 

The eMAR system is linked to the EHR system, which is directly linked to all other electronic systems for efficient healthcare services. This access gave the healthcare providers early alert and warning about the adverse events linked to poor administration, dispensing, and prescription of drugs. The healthcare providers could instantly send messages or alerts to the nurses regarding the chances of therapies and plan to prevent administering wrong medications (Karnehed et al., 2022). Also, as the eMAR led to the digitalization of the patient information and documentation process, the nurses had more time to spend with the patients. This allowed the patient to participate in their healthcare plans and regimes actively, increasing their compliance with medication therapies. As the healthcare providers were able to give time to the patients, the queries and ambiguities regarding the healthcare plans were addressed, and the patients felt more relieved about their healthcare plans (Hunt & Chakraborty, 2021). The eMAR system was able to enhance the quality outcomes by 

NURS FPX 6412 Assessment 3 Manuscript for Publication

  • Reducing the burden on healthcare providers, 
  • Alerting about the possible adverse events and near-miss events, 
  • Making the documentation process easier, 
  • Providing the patient with reminders to take medications through the ehr system, 
  • Increase the patient-healthcare provider’s collaboration and communication, 
  • Increasing the instant access to patient information following the digitalization of the healthcare process, 
  • Providing telemonitoring services to the patients, 
  • And by reducing communication gaps between healthcare providers so that they can provide patient-centered care

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