Eliminating Bullies from the Workplace


For maximum productivity, employees need a healthy working environment that allows one to give maximum output. Since the effects of workplace bullying are mainly psychological, creating a good communication structure makes it easy for bullies to be identified and dealt with in a professional manner (Gattis, 2018). Eliminating bullies from the workplace helps to increase cohesion among workers, thus improving the dynamics of teamwork and promoting corporate values. There is an urgent need for organizational leaders to create employee development and welfare programs, which act as their safe avenues for dealing with work-related challenges (Cobb, 2017).

In addition, the programs promote healthy competition within the workplace because co-workers will stop seeing each other as threats. Employers should involve employees in team building activities, which play a pivotal role in building cohesion and increasing awareness among individuals involved in the workplace. Workplace bullying should be highly discouraged because it has many negative effects that lead an organization to lose its competitive advantage, which can take years to regain. Organizational leaders should focus on building a healthy workplace culture characterized by constructive feedback.


Workplace bullying is a vice that characterizes many workplaces in the contemporary world. This form of psychological aggression aims at degrading the targeted person within the workplace. Bullies often pick out individuals whom they consider as a threat to their progression within their workplace. Some of the common causes of bullying within the workplace include negative work environments, a dysfunctional corporate culture, and lack of effective communication structures. Workplace bullying has negative effects on victims and the organization as a whole. Victims tend to lose interest in their work, become overly anxious, and some can end up depressed.

This affects the ability of an organization to be competitive because of reduced productivity within the workforce, as well as high turnover rates. Organizations also tend to lose money due to the legal fees associated with investigating reported cases of bullying within the workplace. In order to manage bullying at work, organizational leaders should make an effort to understand the psychological dynamics that form the practice and are likely to be overlooked by the organizational values and culture.


Akella, D. (2020). Understanding workplace bullying: An ethical and legal perspective. Springer Nature.

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