Effects of Video Games on Players



The video game industry has grown into a multi-billion venture over the years. New games are produced by video game companies constantly. These games are in a variety of genres, ranging from violence to educational games. In recent years, there have been increased arguments about the impact of video games.

These arguments arise as a result of the realization that the mass media has an impact on the audience. The effects of video games on players is a controversial issue because I simply believe that two to three opposing perspectives are making this issue difficult to resolve: video games have a positive effect on the players or no effect at all on them, while the third view supports that video games have a negative impact on the players.

I am writing about this issue because it has grown into a relevant subject that needs a thorough analysis. I am also a parent who really cares about what my children watch or play like video games. As a parent, I only want the well being of my children as they grow from toddlers to their teenage years.

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Besides, I definitely do not want my house to be a place where violent kids are raised. The issue is relevant because it has been observed that more games have become bloody and realistic, leading to increased violent activities within society.

Violent games are also popular in comparison to other game genres. There have also been cases where adolescents and young individuals have depicted violent behavior, for example, the case of a shooting incident that occurred at a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado, in the U.S. (Carter 12).

This portrays that video game players are negatively affected by violent video games. The effects are said to lead to increased violence within society easily. My position is that video games have a negative impact on the player because they lead to increased violent behavior.

Interest in the impact of video games can trace its origins to the 1970s when video games first appeared. They began as interactive 2D games, but they have evolved into appealing 3D games. Video games have become the favorite pastime for many people, especially children, over the decades and can affect their behavior and interactions.

Research by Sparks (18) on the impact of video games provides further proof of this using experimentation to determine the impact of video games. This research entailed analysis of the content in question, conducting a survey of the users, and finally experimenting to determine the effect on each user.

Early studies conducted on possible effects were inconclusive (Ferguson, Adolescents, Crime 60). However, with the development of better gamers, players were seen to be affected physically and emotionally by video games.

A high number of video games that are developed currently are violent in nature. Research findings by Sparks (25) during the content analysis of media has shown that a high number of players prefer video games that depict violence. This has encouraged more manufacturers to develop violent games. Many of the manufacturers also ensure that violence is closer to reality as possible.

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The same trend is also seen with the increasing development of horror and zombie games (Saleem, Anderson, and Gentile 283). It is observed that players easily try to ape what they see in video games. Manufacturers ensure that their games are addictive and enjoyable for the players. This easily attracts the players to ape what they see in video games.

The realistic nature of the games can also be seen in the kind of weapons used in games. This has led to the development of new problems. Carter mentions that, “… gun manufacturers have developed video games to promote their brands” (56). Thus, video games have been turned into an advertising agency that encourages the acquisition of weapons.

Video games can also affect how a child develops and their behavior towards others in the future. Individuals tend to begin playing video games at a young age. During a child’s upbringing, the occurrences around the child play a significant role in socializing the child.

Any child or adolescent who is exposed to violent video games can easily be influenced to practice what they see in video games. Young people are easily attracted to video games, and they are what they experience from the video games (Ferguson, “Viole

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