Effects of Cyberbullying: Methods of Collecting Data

Effects of Cyberbullying: Methods of Collecting Data

The study on cyberbullying and academics primarily focuses on the impacts of cyberbullying on the academic performance of learners. To achieve the objectives of the study, the use of the highlighted research questions will be very important. However, suitable methods of data collection will be required for the purpose of collecting comprehensive data. In the light of Denzin and Lincoln (2008), differences in researchers’ strategies and data collection points adversely affect the method of data collection adopted in any study. According to the scope of this study, secondary and primary sources of data collection will be used.

For example, the study will used secondary data collection methods such as archival records that highlight the performance of learners in US. On the other hand, interviews will be used to collect primary data on the impacts of cyberbullying on academic performance of the affected learners.

Interviews, according to Denzin and Lincoln (2008), are better data collection methods especially where personal opinions, perspectives and experiences of study participants are required in a study. In this case, the interviews will comprise of succinct questions that align with the study’s aim and objectives. The data obtained from the interview will be analysed to ascertain whether or not the study’s objectives have been met.

Data Analysis of Cyberbullying Case Study

Data analysis is the process of treating collected data qualitatively or quantitatively through various data analysis techniques in order to make inferences based on the objectives of the study. There are a number of methods that can be used to analyse any collected data including regression analysis, correlation analysis among others.

The primary aim of this study to investigate the impacts of cyberbullying in academic performance of learners and hence, excel sheets will be used to analyze and present any collected data in charts and graphs for better understanding. The causal link between the academic performance of learners and cyberbullying impacts will be established based on the analysis. Such analysis will provide avenue to determine whether or not there is a significant relationship between cyberbullying impacts and victims’ academic performance.

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