Effects of Cyberbullying


Cyberbullying affects individuals of any occupation and age. It can make a person feel so overwhelmed, and this can result in a person feeling hurt or embarrassed. Cyberbullying has significant effects on an individual’s everyday life, as it is a constant source of anxiety, depression, and other stress-related disorders. Similarly, it can lead to lower levels of performance for many school-going children (Cho et al. 105). Besides, it can cause a decrease in the family relationship quality as well as generating various psychological difficulties for many people. Additionally, cyberbullying has been noted to increase the risks of suicide among many teenagers. According to Shain, victims and perpetrators of cyberbullying are more vulnerable to suicidal behaviors and thoughts (132). The mentioned studies reveal the negative effects of cyberbullying, which cannot be underestimated.

Signs of Cyberbullying

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Cyberbullying can be as damaging as physical bullying is. Many teens will not tell if they are being bullied, but some signs can show if one is a victim of cyberbullying. However, the signs depend on the victim, and the bully since not all the victims or the bully show these signs. Such signs include being emotionally upset, creating secrets, and protecting one’s digital life. Avoidance of school meetings and usual gadgets, nervousness when using devices, and changes in mood, appetite, or sleep may also be called cyberbullying.

Interventions for Prevention

According to Espelage and Hong, bullying is associated with adverse social, physical, and mental outcomes (376). Therefore, various interventions for the prevention of the practices have been developed to help in addressing cyberbullying. The responses include blocking the bully, limiting the access to gadgets for the victim child, being close to children, knowing their secrets, and having safety measures for children surfing the internet.

In conclusion, since cyberbullying has become a significant and widespread problem in various contemporary schools, it is essential to control the online behavior of children. Notably, it is necessary to ensure that efficient interventions are done to prevent cyberbullying. Therefore, educating children concerning the peculiarities of conduct with a bully is vital to ensure a reduction in cyberbullying.

Works Cited

Cho, Mi-Kyoung, Kim, Miyoung, and Gisoo Shin. “Effects of cyberbullying experience and the cyberbullying tendency on school violence in early adolescence.” The Open Nursing Journal, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 98- 107.

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