Effects health care change using broad-based skills including negotiating, consensus-building, and partnering


I should say that while being in the clinic, I had an excellent opportunity to master my skills in negotiating and consensus-building. In such a way, it is critical to be able to engage in communication and ensure a patient that particular service or medicine is the best possible option. Effective negotiating, consensus-building, and partnering are possible if healthcare professionals manage to build trust. According to Rørtveit et al. (2015), patients trust nurses when the latter are knowledgeable and empathetic, and when they understand their patients’ needs. It is critical to be aware of various strategies, methods, and procedures, but it is equally important to understand the peculiarities of different groups. For instance, I was able to affect care by ensuring an African-American patient that medicines created for this ethnic group were not racist. I used all my negotiating skills to educate a patient and show him that there are some differences in the way our bodies function and some pills will be more efficient for African Americans (Marquis & Huston, 2017). For this reason, I affected the healthcare and altered the patient’s attitude towards some aspects by engaging in beneficial communication.

Minimizes risk to patients and providers at the individual and systems-level

The minimization of risk is one of the central tasks of any health worker. In such a way, I was also concerned about it. Considering the fact, that the healthcare setting is a dangerous environment, I had an opportunity to work with some risks and eliminate them. It has been acknowledged that medical errors associated with medication prescriptions are often linked to healthcare professionals’ cognitive biases and systemic issues existing at health-related organizations (Saposnik, Redelmeier, Ruff, & Tobler, 2016). Some drugs may be prescribed more often due to their availability or the lack of knowledge about better options. For instance, I know that medication errors are the leading cause of poor outcomes in patients. Therefore, I tried to monitor this aspect and decrease its incidence. I was able to admit to cases of wrong medication prescription and improve the state of patients by providing them with appropriate pills. I believe this situation can be regarded as an illustration of the effective reduction of risks to patients and providers both at the individual and systems levels.

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