Effect of Internal Factors on Curriculum Design NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors


Internal factors are those factors that affect the design of the curriculum within the parent academic institute. A number of factors are affecting the design and development of curriculum.These factors include the structure of the institute, its mission, objectives, philosophies, financial situation, and the resources present in the academic institute such as labs, library, student services, and technological support. All the academic and nursing institutes have a structure of hierarchy which can affect the curriculum design. The faculty should analyze the structure of the institute and then design the curriculum according to the nature of the organizational structure. The philosophy and objectives of the institute determine the characteristics of the curriculum developed for students (Themes, 2017).

NURS FPX 6107 Assessment 2 Course Development and Influencing Factors 

The mission of higher institutes is education, research, and services. For example, the state-level university will adopt these three philosophies in curriculum development for providing services, education, and research opportunities at the state level. The economic state of the institute affects the curriculum design and determines its level of expansion and implication.  The academic institutes seek financial aid, grants, and scholarships from government and private forums which ensure the viability of curriculum development.  The institutional resources are equally important for curriculum development. For example, labs, libraries, computers and technologies, and resources for remote learning. These resources can make curriculum development successful. Support from institutes such as advertisements, learning resources, and technological services can develop high-quality curricula. The support of students also affects curriculum development and design. They affect the expansion and bring changes in the curriculum. Their response based on the number of enrollments, counseling, and placement of jobs determines the success of the curriculum (Themes, 2017).                               

The effect of the curriculum committee and review bodies are important for designing a curriculum. The approval protocol varies from institute to institute, however they aim at the evaluation and approval of the curriculum. For example, the institutes at a small scale have a less complex approach and review process of curriculum designing. They simply develop a panel that is comprised of two to three members and evaluate the curriculum. While the state-level institutes have a complex process and have different approval chambers within the institute. There is a senate of academic institutes which develops guidelines and policies for curriculum designing and recommends changes in curriculum according to instructions from the federal board. They have the authority to reject the curriculum if it does not meet the required criteria. The administration committee is also established to renew the curriculum. Whether the institute is present at the community or state level, the approval bodies affect the curriculum design and development (The Curriculum Committee, 2022). 

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