EBP Change Model Assignment Question Description Create a presentation that is no more than 10-12 minutes long and includes comprehensive speaker’s notes that cover all of the major areas of your proposal. As directed by the instructor, you must post your Evidence-Based Practice Presentation to the main forum in Topic 8 for class discussion and peer feedback.

From a practice dimension, the JHNEBP model is designed to meet practicing nurses’ needs through a three-stage process. The model’s steps include the practice question, evidence, and translation (Upstate Medical University, 2022). The primary goal is to ensure that change proponents quickly incorporate current research findings and best practices into patient care.

The proposed project evaluates the effectiveness of accurate fall assessment tools upon triage for falls in reducing the incidence of falls. Falls among hospitalized patients is a serious health concern since they are associated with unintended injuries, loss of mobility and productivity, increased health care costs, and an overall reduction in the quality of life (Florence et al., 2018; Heng et al., 2020) The JHNEBP model is relevant to this project since it will facilitate change in three basic steps. By integrating evidence, the model cultivates a culture of care based on evidence (Upstate Medical University, 2022). Falls require instant interventions, and the model is appropriate since it facilitates rapid change implementation through current research and best practices.

The Model’s Stages

The first step of the JHNEBP model is the practice question. In this step, nurses define the problem primarily as a clinical problem since many problems pertain to patient care. The problem is further developed and refined as a PICOT question (Upstate Medical University, 2022). The second step involves searching for evidence. It is an intensive step where nurses conduct an internal and external search for evidence mainly from current, scholarly, and peer-reviewed sources. They also appraise the level and quality of evidence, summarize it, synthesize overall strength, and develop recommendations for practice change based on evidence synthesis (Dang et al., 2021). The evidence should be adequate and relevant to the practice question to guide positive change. The last step is translating evidence into practice. In this step, nurses create an action plan, secure appropriate support from stakeholders, and implement the action plan. It is also vital to report outcomes to stakeholders and identify the next steps depending on the outcomes.

Applying the Stages in the Proposed Implementation

Practice question: among elderly patients admitted to the hospital; does the use of accurate fall assessment tools upon triage for fall risk compared to usual care reduce the incidence of falls within eight weeks?

As illustrated in the practice question, the project explores whether using accurate fall assessment tools can reduce the incidence of falls. Accordingly, the first step of the JHNEBP is complete since the practice question has been outlined to guide the inquiry. The next step will be searching for appropriate evidence (qualitative and quantitative) from current, peer-reviewed research on the effectiveness of fall assessment tools. Such evidence is sourced from randomized controlled trials, observational studies, and systematic reviews. The evidence will then be appraised based on its level and quality, and findings will be summarized as recommended in the second step of the JHNEBP model. The last step will be translating the synthesized evidence into practice to reduce the incidence of falls in the facility.


Practice change is intensive and requires a systematic, procedural process. EBP models allow nurses to implement change in steps through an outcome-based process. They outline the steps needed to adopt change and the requirements in each phase. The JHNEBP model is appropriate for my project and will guide its implementation in three steps: practice question, evidence, and translation into practice (Appendix I). Translating evidence involves implementing research findings, which will help reduce the incidence of falls as hypothesized in the practice question.




Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.

DeNisco, S. M. (2019). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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