DQ2 Identify the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the onboarding or assimilation processes. HRM 365 Topic 4 DQ 2


What formal and informal onboarding or assimilation processes exist in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar? Identify the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the onboarding or assimilation processes. What changes do you recommend making to the current onboarding or assimilation process to improve their effectiveness when orientating new employees?

Nurses will feel empowered to perform when their nurse leaders show confidence in their abilities to do a good job. The reason for this is that nurses feel significant inside the company since they have the ability to make choices, propose and participate in activities without having to seek clearance from higher ups. Nurses’ work lives are improved when leaders demonstrate confidence in their job, are able to reward their organizations by increasing retention and improving the capacity to give higher quality care (Hughes, 2019). Good communication between nurses and their supervisors is essential in the development of these partnerships. Effective nurse performance has been shown to be associated with positive interpersonal ties amongst staff.




Onboarding is the process in which new employees get acquainted with their role, their team and the organization. Effective onboarding practices help employees become part of the organization and makes an active shift towards the contribution to organizational goals. process of integrating newcomers to the company, turning them into inspired and productive employees. Effective onboarding practices also have a positive effect on employer branding. In the first weeks of starting a new job, friends, family, and former colleagues will ask who the new employer and the business. As an organization, you want this first impression to be the best. With proper onboarding, new employees will immediately share a positive impression of the company, within their direct network. For the small business, the changes made include having a formal onboard process. Even though it is a small family-owned company it is very import that the expectations of the owner and employee are known. Assumptions cannot be left up to anyone.

This small business would benefit from the “4Cs” model, developed by Bauer (2010), suggests that onboarding comprises four levels which relate predominantly to the content of the onboarding but also hints at process elements. (Becker & Bish, 2021)

These include Compliance at the lowest level (i.e., giving the basic information about policy and legal requirements), Clarification (of the role and expectations), Culture (identifying formal and informal cultural norms and expectations), and at the highest level, Connection (i.e., providing an opportunity to build the necessary relationships and networks to be successful). The 4Cs model incorporates not only the necessary content for a newcomer to assimilate effectively but also reinforces important organizational actions, such as facilitating connections and ensuring opportunities to develop informal knowledge about the organization.


Becker, K., & Bish, A. (2021). A framework for understanding the role of unlearning in onboarding. Human Resource Management Review, 31(1), 100730. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2019.100730

Dessler, G. (2017). Human resource management (15th ed.). Pearson.

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