DQ: What aspects of the topic readings do you find the most interesting

The aspects of the topic readings that I find the most interesting are the discussion of scientism and its implications for understanding disease and healing. Scientism is a philosophy that holds that science is the only valid source of knowledge, and that it should be used to explain all aspects of life, including disease and healing(Crossway, 2020). This has implications for how we view healing, as it requires us to rely on scientific evidence and knowledge to understand and explain the causes of diseases and how they can be treated.

My view of the analysis of disease and healing in the readings is that it is necessary to use a combination of scientific evidence and traditional knowledge to understand and treat disease. While science can provide insight into the causes and treatments of diseases, traditional healing practices and remedies can also provide important information that can help us to understand and treat diseases. Therefore, it is important to consider both scientific evidence and traditional knowledge when looking for solutions to health issues.

For example, in the readings, it is discussed that the Bible can provide insight into the causes of sickness and how to treat it(Science & Religion Dialogue, n.d.). This can be seen in the Bible’s references to the healing power of faith and prayer, as well as its teachings about the importance of living a life of holiness. The Bible also provides guidance on how to care for the sick and how to use traditional herbs and oils as remedies. These teachings can provide valuable insight into the causes and treatments of diseases, and they should be considered alongside scientific evidence.

In conclusion, scientism has implications for how we understand and treat disease, but it is not the only source of knowledge that should be used (Crossway, 2020). Traditional healing practices and remedies, as well as the teachings found in the Bible, can provide valuable insight into the causes and treatments of diseases. Therefore, it is important to consider both scientific evidence and traditional knowledge when looking for solutions to health issues.


Crossway. (2020). 10 Things You Should Know About Scientism. Retrieved May 5, 2021, from https://www.crossway.org/articles/10-things-you-should-know-about-scientism/

Science & Religion Dialogue. (n.d.). What is Scientism? Retrieved May 5, 2021, from https://sciencereligiondialogue.org/resources/what-is-scientism/

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