DQ: What are some of the key differences for a staffing model in a skilled nursing facility as compared to a medical-surgical unit in the hospital?

The American Hospital Association (AHA) recommends for hospital administration and members of the organizations to be successful in a value-based healthcare environment there are 10 “must-do” financial strategies (Leger, 2021). All members of the organizations are equal partners to identify strategies and support the basic value of giving patients what they desire (Leger, 2021).  Out of these 10 strategies, I see five vital strategies I could implement in my current work environment.

  1.  Aligning providers and other hospitals across the continuum of care (Leger, 2021). This is important to have multidisciplinary rounds daily to decrease delays in care and decrease patient frustration. This does take a lot of time out of the providers and care team day, but implementing MDRs increases patient satisfaction and improves care. We currently use MDRs in our facility. Families speak highly about this process and how important these rounds are to them on a daily basis as they feel valued, and heard from the care team.
  2. Using evidence-based practices to improve quality and patient care (Leger, 2021). When organizations use and implement EBP in their organizations, the quality of care is improved, allowing the metrics organizations to have implemented based on quality of care given to help lead to reimbursement for the organization. As a nursing leader the biggest impact to financial strategy is using EBP to improve quality and patient safety (Leger, 2021).
  3. Improving efficiency through hospitals productivity and financial management (Leger, 2021). Nurses enjoy spending valuable time with patients and families and understanding what is important to their patients. Practice councils are important in an organization because when areas are identified and change needs to occur at the bedside, while providing what patients value, and providing high quality care and safety improves the overall vision of the organization to meet financial goals (Leger, 2021). It is important to flex staff from their shift or offer a delay start to their shift when census decreases to meet the productivity of the department.
  4. Educating employees to engage to become leaders (Leger, 2021). When staff are mentored and educated to be the advocates for their patients, and strive to be leaders within the organization, the quality and culture of the organization shifts to improvement and increased patient satisfaction results. Keeping staff members informed of organizational and departmental updates and providing educational resources is a win in my facility, saving overall money.
  5. Seeking population health improvements (Leger, 2021). Our facility offers for all county schools in our region free service for physicals to be completed on student athletes prior to the school year. These services are provided by a trauma provider, trauma nurse, and a physical trainer. This is a preventive service to diagnose health concerns or conditions for students allowing follow up treatment if needed.

When implementing strategies nursing can identify areas and strategies that not only help the financial side of the organization but will better serve the patients within the organization (Leger, 2021).  With healthcare moving into a value-based environment, it is important to be aware if quality measures are not being met, organizational ratings will decline decreasing reimbursement to the organization (Leger, 2021).



Leger, J. M. (2021). Financial management for nurse managers: Merging the heart with the dollar (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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