DQ The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods are very different, but many researchers believe both methods should be used in the research study to increase validity and reliability NRS 433 Topic 5 DQ 1

The application of quantitative and qualitative research methods is different, but when the two are used together in research, they increase reliability and availability from the roles played. The quantitative designs used in research are correlational, descriptive, experimental, and quasi. Qualitative research design gives exploratory aspects of the research. Through them, the researcher gains the underlying reasons for opinions, motivations, and reasons concerning the research problem, thus providing the insights to develop ideas and hypotheses (Rahman, 2020). With the mixed research method, the two approaches are integrated within one research activity for certain benefits but are also accompanied by disadvantages.

The main advantage of using mixed methods is reducing errors and understanding the contradictions from the different types of data presented. Using the mixture methods makes the challenges of one of the research methods overcome with the other method (Ivankova & Wingo, 2018). Besides, the mixture of two research methods gives a range of multidisciplinary teams to give the gives based on qualitative and quantitative research data. Hence, more insight and professionalism when dealing with the collected data. The last advantage of using the two methods combined is that it gives more comprehensive and detailed information than when the research methodology is used.

On the other hand, mixed methods face complex planning and research problems. Using both methods need enough knowledge and skills to be appropriately implemented since researchers must be open to different ways that are not within their area of specialization (Molina-Azorin et al., 2018). The mixed methods are labor-intensive as more labor and resources are required to carry out research with the mixed methods than using a single method for the study.

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