DQ: Psychosocial theory in nursing practice includes factors, such as self-efficacy, stress and coping, learned helplessness, and social support

For my DPI project, I am focusing on a method to improve a daily process that nurses utilize to communicate and promote continuity of care. This only works when the nurses have the desire to do what is best for their patients. This desire is driven by the psychosocial theory of self-efficacy, which, as said by Butts and Rich in 2018, results in greater commitment and true performance of a goal or action (Butts & Rich, 2018, chapter 18, p. 628). This is a great psychosocial theory to have as a foundation for a project that requires nurses to want to do their jobs the best way possible, which requires making goals and sticking to those and the actions required to complete their tasks. With self-efficacy, nurses ensure that their health and mindsets are up-to-par to be successful and productive in their daily activities. This means that nurses need to have the mindset to care for themselves and seek success in their future. This can be driven by the desire to help the public. With proper communication, safety amongst the clients and staff increases. This is the premise of the project itself. As nurses, we have the desire to keep our clients safe. This desire falls in the premise of self-efficacy where in which we want to do a good job for our clients and ourselves. With this desire, we need to ensure that we are communicating appropriately. That is where the project stems from.

I agree with you that psychosocial theories can provide structure and framework in dealing with the emotional and mental aspects of patients in clinical settings. Different psychosocial theories help in dealing with different emotional and mental issues. Part of psychosocial theory in nursing practice involves the idea of patient’s self-efficacy. Similarly, psychosocial theory entails the belief that the patient has the ability to generate an outcome if given the right personal perception and support system (Mutschler et al., 2018). Therefore, healthcare organizations and other stakeholders have the responsibility of creating a suitable environment for their patients. Different clinical settings benefit from various psychosocial theories. Health promotion and self-efficacy is a throughout care continuum in different capacities (Burgon et al., 2018). Therefore, psychosocial theories are applied through the care continuum. Effective selection and use of these models ensure that patients with various emotional and mental complications get better healthcare services. Self-care theories allow patients to be actively involved in treatment and recovery processes.



Burgon, H., Gammage, D., & Hebden, J. (2018). Hoofbeats and heartbeats: equine-assisted therapy and learning with young people with psychosocial issues–theory and practice. Journal of Social Work Practice32(1), 3-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/02650533.2017.1300878

Mutschler, C., Rouse, J., McShane, K., & Habal-Brosek, C. (2018). Developing a realist theory of psychosocial rehabilitation: the Clubhouse model. BMC health services research18(1), 1-12.

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