DQ: Propose strategies for disseminating your evidence-based practice project proposal. NUR 590 Topic 7 DQ 1


Disseminating evidence to stakeholders and decision makers within the organization is crucial to getting the proposed solution implemented throughout the organization. The evidence must have evidence based research that supports the proposed solution and must show how the solution will improve the performance of the organization. After the completion of a research or evidence based project, the information must be disseminated amongst the staff. The purpose behind performing a research project or evidence based project is to create change and to advance patient care. The information that is distributed amongst the staff is quite important. Having a dissemination plan is so vital because there are barriers. The barriers can involve not having the education or information readily available, costs of disseminating the information to staff, and staff being resistant to the new change or information.

Using a tool for a dissemination plan will help guide the researcher find all the components necessary to form a formal dissemination plan that specifically reflects the user’s needs and interests (Carpenter, Nieva, Albaghal, & Sorra, 2014). The tool provides six useful components on successfully disseminating the research findings. The components consist of defining the research, identifying target users, working with dissemination partners, communicating the research, communicating the research, evaluating the success of the dissemination process, and developing an action plan (Carpenter, Nieva, Albaghal, & Sorra, 2014). Utilizing the tool will not only provide better outcomes for the researcher but the staff members that are receiving the new information. External Stakeholders would be investors and donors. Internal stakeholders to reach out to would be executive and managers.

Hello! Nursing shortages continues to be an ongoing problem, and our patients are affected greatly when we continue to work short. Our patients are growing sicker and are requiring more time and care. Our nursing workload is increasing and the time that we are able to spend with our patients is decreased. When we have such as heavy workload, our time being spent collaborating with our patients and with the physician, decreases. This is where medical errors can happen and can lead to a poor communication amongst the interdisciplinary team, including our patients. Our patient’s quality of care decreases as well. Our patients are at a great risk for infection and poor outcomes when we are not able to spend time understanding and caring for their needs.

Our nurses are having to take on such a great deal of workload that we are seeing an increase in our nurse burnout. Our nurses are being burned out by limited resources and shortages; our nurse satisfaction rates are going down. When nurses are feeling unsatisfied with their jobs, our patients care is also affected. Our nurses are not able to practice at the highest level that they can when they are feeling burned out, and unsatisfied with their positions. This is leading to an increase in workload and an increase in errors as well.  We are not able to spend our time and knowledge in using our critical thinking skills. We may not be able to notice with the decrease in time spend on patient care when something may be going on with our patients.




Carpenter,D., Nieva, V., Albaghal, T. & Sorra, J. (2014). Development of a Planning Tool to Guide Research Dissemination. Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK20603/

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