DQ: Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research DNP 801 Topic 4 DQ 2


Quantitative research can be described as the research process that uses collection and numerical data analysis in research studies that generalize results to a wider population, while qualitative research uses involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data such as interviews, questionnaires and the results are generalized for a smaller or localized population. (Bhandari, 2020). Quantitative research uses various methods for data collection, and these include experiments, observations which are recorded as numbers; and surveys/questionnaires with closed-ended questions.

Alternatively, qualitative research uses interview questions that are open-ended. Other data collection methods include observations that are described in words, literature reviews that explore concepts and reviews (Bhandari, 2020). In quantitative research, the focus is on testing theories and developing the hypothesis, data goes through statistical analysis in numerical and graphical expressions, and requires many respondents answering closed-ended questions

Qualitative research on the other hand focuses on exploration of ideas and formulation of theories or hypothesis. It is analyzed by summarizing, categorizing, and interpreting and mainly expressed in words. Qualitative research requires a few respondents and open-ended questions (Streefkerk, 2019).

Quantitative research will create a major impact on my proposed DPI project because believe that this will help improve patient outcome, save cost of treatment , and provide evidence-based practice for the facility and who knows our sister facilities.



Bhandari, P. (2020). What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition, Uses and …


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