DQ: Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research

Qualitative research is mostly developed out of the need to solve and issue. It is holistic working with the whole patient and family as a whole being and it is detailed and uses many ways to collect information. Nurses use this method to find ways to help patients based on their preferences. It sets the plan for future research by using quantitative or qualitative research with people experiencing and interpreting data differently based on the factors that has affected them, the truth about this research is that it is a composite of different realities (Chicca, 2020). This method still requires the researcher to follow a strict process of research by planning and finding an interesting topic, design with expansive data collection methods that will enhance the quality of the work, the researcher should bracket any personal ideas, views, biases and assumptions (Chicca, 2020).


Chalmers, J., & Cowdell, F. (2021). What are the quantitative and qualitative research methods? A brief introduction. Dermatological Nursing, 20(2), 45-48.

Chicca, J. (2020). Introduction to qualitative nursing research: This type of research can reveal important information that quantitative research can’t. American Nurse Journal, 15(6), 28.

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