DQ: Describe the “levels of evidence” and provide an example of the type of practice change that could result from each. NRS 433 Topic 4 DQ 2


There are several levels of strategies or research that can be used to determine the effectiveness of  evidence. The level is based on how it will be impacted by biases and its outcomes (Glasofer & Townsend, 2019).

The highest level 1 of research technique would use RCT, Systematic Review, and Meta Analysis. These have been noted to provide the best evidence. If used together it has an even stronger effectiveness (NOVA, 2021). These types of studies would be good for cause and evaluate the effect.

The next level 2 may involve Quasi experimental and Systematic Review, but it may be missing a criteria that would be found when doing an experimental research. This type of research does not have the same strength but can be used for comparison research like a pre and posttest effect (Glasofer & Townsend, 2019).

Level 3 is considered Non-experimental with no manipulation of the variables. This level can use Systematic Review, RCT and Meta Analysis but it is not required (Glasofer & Townsend, 2020)1. It can also be called observation research; the researcher observes but does not have an intervention. This type of research could be used to see the effect something has. They may ask the group to write a daily occurrence to see the effect. In this research area the researcher could use, case -control -look at a condition and compare with someone who does not have that condition (Glasofer & Townsend, 2020)1.

In level 4 the researcher is using opinions or statements. These could be found in clinical practice guidelines, position or consensus statements. The guideline is tested and reviewed by experts, consensus and position statements are as well but also go through peer reviews and are limited (Glasofer & Townsend, 2020)2. These options may not have the same quality as the levels before them. However, they are good for comparison information when looking for evidence-based documentation.

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