DQ: Compare and contrast the three different levels of health promotion (primary, secondary, tertiary)


DQ Compare and contrast the three different levels of health promotion (primary, secondary, tertiary)

The three levels of health promotion include primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention. “The nurse uses the different levels to determine the patients’ education needs depending upon the patients and where they are in their health care journey” (Falkner, 2018).

Primary Prevention is when the initial prevention against disease and illnesses occurs. This level includes health promotion and education. Primary prevention encourages the individual to obtain their suggested and recommended vaccinations and having their wellness exams. The nurse should address any social or genetic risk factors the patient may have and educate on how to prevent those risk factors into turning into an illness or disease. The educational needs for these patients include nutritional education, exercise education, possible community resources for certain programs or groups, smoking cessation, and any other education that can help prevent diseases and illnesses from occurring.

Secondary Prevention focuses on the early detection and treatment of the disease before it progresses (Falkner, 2018). This would take place in the early stages of the disease where health screenings and early treatment would occur. The educational needs for these patients would include the importance of “health promotion and how it can implement measures to prevent further complications” (Falkner, 2018). Educating the patient on the importance of following the doctor’s orders, attending all follow up appointments, and having the necessary treatments/scans/exams/labs performed as ordered.

The third level is the Tertiary Prevention level. This level occurs when a disease process has already caused some permanent damage to the patient of some kind (Falkner, 2018). On this level the patient may have been through rehabilitation or is going to go through some. If the patient is going to be going home from rehab, they may be in need of different resources in the home in order to function daily. Education on how to prevent complications and improving the quality of the patient’s life is the main goal (Falkner, 2018). Providing education of the use of new medical equipment may be needed, new medication education, the disease process, and possibly how to function with any new setbac nklks the individual may have acquired with the permanent damage from the disease.


Primary, secondary, and tertiary health promotion are the three levels. All levels are critical in preventing disease and supplying starting points for health care practitioners to promote good, effective change in patients. Nursing is significant at all levels because nurses can take part in practically every step of the promotion process. There are five steps within the three tiers of promotion. “Health promotion and specific protection (primary prevention); early diagnosis, timely treatment, and disability limitation (secondary prevention); and restoration and rehabilitation (tertiary prevention)” are some of the phases involved (Edelman & Mandel, pg. 18).

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