DQ 2: Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care


Bernardes, M. L. G., Karino, M. E., Martins, J. T., Okubo, C. V. C., Galdino, M. J. Q., & Moreira, A. A. O. (2020). Workplace violence among nursing professionals. Revista Brasileira De Medicina do Trabalho, 18(3), 250-257. https://doi.org/10.47626/1679-4435-2020-531


The area in public health nursing that needs improvement is that public health nurses (PHNs) need to be more visible and active within the communities in which they serve. I remember thinking multiple times during the pandemic, “Where are the public health nurses?” Dr. Fauci and other physicians were very visible, but public health nurses were not. I am sure that there were and are PHNs that are working behind the scenes during the pandemic, but since nurses are among the most trusted professions, I feel that it would have been beneficial to society if they played a more prominent and visible role. Kent (2018) makes the point that public health nurses are uniquely trained to view the big picture of the health issues and take into consideration the social determinants of health of the population effected.

Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment would have been especially beneficial to populations around the world during the early days of the pandemic. King’s theory promotes use of nurse’s clinical skills to assess the situation, communicate and share information, set goals, and take action to achieve those goals of patient care. (Gonzalo, A. 2021) Another nursing theory that would have been useful to implement on a national/ global level during the pandemic is Ida Jean Orlando’s nursing process. The nursing process that Orlando discusses provides a systematic approach to the nurse utilizing their knowledge to analyze the situation and determine the needs that must be addressed from a systemic community health perspective. (Wayne, G. 2022)




Gonzalo, A. (2021). Imogene King: Theory of goal attainment. Nurseslabs. King- https://nurseslabs.com/imogene-m-kings-theory-goal-attainment/


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