DQ 1: Discuss the correlation between nursing education and positive patient outcomes NRS 440 Topic 3 DQ 1 Discuss the correlation between nursing education and positive patient outcomes. Include current research that links patient safety outcomes to advanced degrees in nursing. Based on some real-life experiences, explain whether you agree or disagree with this research.


Advanced nursing education refers to masters and doctorates that require much class and clinical work to succeed. ANE increases nurses’ skills and knowledge that improves their decision making. Advanced nursing education enhances management and leadership skills, directly impacting patient outcomes. Lifelong learning includes continuous professional education, ensuring current nursing practices and leveraging technological trends to improve patient outcomes (Mlambo et Al., 2021). ANE and lifelong learning increase professional responsibility and accountability. ANE expands nurses scope of practice to prescribing interventions and managing patients, increasing promptness and confidence in care (Kleinpell et Al., 2019). These degrees also promote and support independent practice, which increases access to care even in rural areas. These revolutions in patient care improve patient outcomes and promote patient safety.

Millions of patients are admitted annually to intensive care units and stepdown units. They require advanced nursing care, and APRNs are thus vital in these critical care areas. Kleinpell et al.,(2019) note that nurse practitioner collaboration with physicians has a net positive outcome in quality care delivery, patient safety and patient outcomes. The study evaluated these professional’s impact on care outcomes in acute care settings over ten years. The review shows that advanced practice providers improve “ patient care management, quality care, patient safety, care continuity and patient and staff satisfaction “ (Kleinpell et al., 2019). During clinical practice, there was a rising pressure ulcer prevalence in stepdown unit, and there was growing concern in the nursing body. The charge nurse, an advanced practice registered nurse, led a team of investigating and remedying the problem. The team’s research provided vital insights that helped them eliminate pressure ulcers and promote patient safety. From my experience, l agree with the study because nurses with advanced degrees posses high level training and skills that promote better patient outcomes and enhance patient safety. They often lead nursing teams, hold leadership positions, coordinate nursing activities, and lead healthcare improvement, promoting patient safety and ensuring quality patient outcomes.

The Christian worldview can be used to improve patient outcomes. The worldview focuses on caring and emphasizes morals such as integrity, compassion, inclusivity and collaboration. The world views human suffering as unnecessary, hence professionals can use the worldview to reduce human suffering and promote better patient outcomes (Gunns et Al., 2019). The worldview also helps improve patient hope in healing, which enhances their collaboration in care despite their condition, promoting better patient outcomes (Clark et al., 2019). It also views life as sacred and calls for its safeguarding. Clark et al. (2019) state that the worldview can thus be used to guide the development of patient safety and quality improvement interventions whose focus is preventing patient suffering. Thus, Christian worldview can be used to improve patient outcomes.


Clark, C. C., & Hunter, J.(2019).Spirituality, spiritual well-being, and spiritual coping in advanced heart failure: Review of literature. Journal of Holistic Nursing , 37(1), 56-73


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