: DQ 1: Choose a legislator on the state or federal level who is also a nurse and discuss the importance of the legislator/nurse’s role as advocate for improving health care delivery.


One of the laws that was enacted as a result of nurse advocacy is the Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act. This law was enacted in June 2022. It came to address the mental health crisis in the United States of America. This law came into being as nurses noted a high prevalence of mental illness cases and also an increase in the number of deaths as a result of drug overdose (Bartram, 2021). This legislation also aimed to address issues of child and adolescent mental health crisis and the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the United States of America populace (Yusli et al, 2021).NRS 440 Topic 4 DQ 2

The Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act reauthorizes and modifies activities related to mental health. It addresses coordination of federal efforts related to behavioral health. It looks at issues involved with maternal mental health and substance use disorders.

The Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act promotes the prevention and treatment of mental and behavioral health issues for veterans, members of the armed forces, front line workers, tribal populations and other specified groups. This law addresses eating disorders, the provision of school based mental health services and it advocates for the integration of behavioral health in primary care settings. This law reauthorizes the provision of grants to support the behavioral health workforce, grants related to prevention of suicide and the support of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Program.NRS 440 Topic 4 DQ 2

This legislation also reauthorizes the provision of the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access grant as well as the comprehensive community Mental Health Services for Children with serious emotional disturbances. There is need for continued identification of mental health illness cases and those suffering from drug overdose so that they can be helped to attain good health and well being.


Bartram, M. (2021). ‘It’s Really About Wellbeing’: An American Investigation of Harm Reduction as a Bridge Between Mental Health and Addiction Recovery. Int J Ment Health Addiction. 1497–1510.

NRS 440 Topic 4 DQ 2https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-020-00239-7


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