Doctor of Nursing Practice: DNP Role in Translational Research

Thus, to accelerate application of laboratory findings in the clinical practice, translational research is essential. Translational research entails the use of multidisciplinary approach in basic research and clinical practice with the view of enhancing the application of novel findings in the development and improvement of diagnostics and therapies in health care settings (Titler, 2007).

Essentially, translational research promotes application of evidence-based practices in clinical environments to improve health care. Therefore, this essay discusses the role of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in translational research in aspects of collaboration and coordination of basic research and clinical practice.

DNP plays a significant leadership role in promoting collaboration and teamwork among clinical professionals. Translational research in a health care environment requires the participation of various medical professionals. For medical doctors, clinicians, technicians, and nurses to optimize their diagnostics and therapies in the health care settings, they need to perform translational research in their respective areas of expertise (Titler, 2007).

The collaboration of the medical professionals in translational research enhances improvement and development of new diagnostics and therapies, which eventually lead to improvement of human health. According to Woods and Magyary (2010), translational research requires nurse investigators and nurse clinicians to collaborate in refining clinical interventions, protocols, and guidelines in response to novel discoveries from clinical practice.

In this view, DNP has a role of ensuring that there is optimal collaboration and teamwork among medical professionals so that they can develop and improve good clinical practices for human health. When medical professionals work as a team and collaborate on translational research, they share vital information that is central clinical practice.

One of the challenges that have been facing heath care system is translation of novel discoveries into clinical practice. Poor coordination of basic research and clinical practice causes underutilization of the research findings in health care (Kirchhoff & Mateo, 2009). Given that translational research aims at enhancing the utilization of research findings, it creates a role for the DNP to act as a link between basic research and clinical practice.

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Basically, translational research is a process that entails interpretation of the novel discoveries, adapting them to the clinical environment, and evaluating their clinical outcomes (Titler, 2007). In this view, DNP ensures that the findings generated in the basic research are applicable in the clinical practice to improve human health.

Coordination of basic research and clinical practice is essential because translation of research findings into practice is a complex process that requires consideration of ethical and legal issues in health. In coordinating basic research and clinical practice, DNP should streamline policies and guidelines to enhance smooth translation of research findings.

Translational research promotes application of basic research findings in clinical practice to improve human health. The translation research bridges the gap between basic research and clinical practice by enhancing application of the research findings. Given that medical professionals are responsible for implementation of research findings, the role of DNP is to ensure that there is an effective collaboration among medical professionals.

An additional role of DNP is to promote responsive coordination between basic research and clinical practice. Therefore, DNP needs to promote collaboration and coordination of all activities among stakeholders in health care to improve human health and patient outcomes.


Hall, H. R., & Roussel, L. A. (2012). Evidence-Based Practice: An Integrative Approach to Research, Administration and Practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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