DNP through the Use and Implementation of the IOM Nursing Reports Essay

The first is that caregivers should practice to the best of their abilities in response to their degree of training and education. Second, physicians should concentrate on continual skill enhancement by seeking higher degrees of study and continuing education through an improved academic framework that promotes seamless educational progression. The third category emphasizes the need for nurses to work as full partners with healthcare professionals and other professionals across the country to improve care coordination. The final topic emphasizes the requirement for an enhanced data collecting and information system in healthcare to boost efficiency, notably in nurse labor and policy development in the nursing field.

Strong leadership from nurses, clinicians, and others will be needed to develop and execute the reforms required to improve quality, accessibility, and value while still providing patient-centered care. Leadership-related competencies must be ingrained throughout nursing learning. Effective leadership and mentorship programs must be made publicly available to caregivers at all levels to ensure that nurses are prepared to accept leadership responsibilities. The IOM Nursing Reports aim to transform how nurses give service and help in healthcare (Bayliss-Pratt & Fenton, 2017). This is done so that nurses’ services may be delivered within a system centered on prevention and well-being. Since the IOM Nursing Reviews will empower nurses to collaborate with clinicians and other healthcare providers in reforming the health service, this will profoundly affect and shape nurses’ leadership roles. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) comprehends the relationship between nurse care and patient welfare. According to the IOM, nurses are going above and above to enhance the increasingly complicated healthcare business (Bayliss-Pratt & Fenton, 2017). The IOM urges nurses to advance their education and take on leadership roles to enhance patient outcomes. Nurses should collaborate with other healthcare professionals and take the lead in revamping healthcare in the United States.


Bayliss-Pratt, L., & Fenton, L. (2017). Nurses are influencing healthcareNurses and Nursing5(35), 95–108. Web.

Ober, S., & Wilkie, S. (2018). Effective policy and advocacy for nurses engaged in advanced practiceDNP Education, Practice, and Policy3(26), 5–26. Web.

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