DNP 840 Topic 2 DQ 2 Post your PICOT and expand in detail on your selected patient population. Include any characteristics that impact the socioeconomic/sociopolitical factors. How will these factors influence patient outcomes and the financial viability of the organization in the community? How does this align or differ from norms of the U.S. health care system? References

MY PICOT Question

For cardiopulmonary patients admitted in a long-term care facility, will the translation of Macchio et al.’s research on follow-up with a cardiologist or primary caregiver, compared to current practice at the site, decrease the rates of readmission by 25% within 30 Days?

Selected Patient Population 

The selected patient population for the PICOT research comprises of male and female geriatric patients with an average age of 65 years and with cardiopulmonary disease.

Socioeconomic/Sociopolitical Factors

Cardiopulmonary disease patients face several socioeconomic and sociopolitical factors that influence their health. For instance, studies show that people with low income have a higher risk of developing cardiopulmonary disease and a higher risk of death than those with high income (Schultz et al., 2018). Also, low-income patients from poor neighborhoods are less likely to receive quality care, undergo necessary interventions, and receive recommended medications or follow-up medical check-ups. Educational attainment is another socioeconomic factor that influences the health of Cardiopulmonary patients. Studies show that patients with low educational attainment have an increased risk of cardiopulmonary disease and mortality. This is because they have more comorbidities and receive fewer interventions compared to those with high educational attainment. However, individuals with higher education levels are associated with increased alcohol consumption, smoking, and diabetes (Schultz et al., 2018). This puts them at an increased risk of cardiopulmonary disease. However, they are more likely to receive quality interventions and tertiary prevention programs.

Healthcare organizations are also affected by these factors that influence cardiopulmonary patients’ health. Treating cardiovascular diseases is significantly costly for healthcare organizations as it consists of frequent hospitalizations, long lengths of stay, numerous medications, and costly specialists. This, however, aligns with the norms of the U.S. healthcare system, which is plagued with a high cost and demand for healthcare.

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