Discussion – Week 1 Policies, Problems, and Planning to Reach Rural Veterans


Suicide accounts for 8.3% of deaths among U.S. adults, and Veterans alone represent an unignorable 14.3% of these tragedies (Department of Veterans Affairs [VA], 2018). Consequently, death by suicide for the veteran patient population is 1.5 times the rate of non-veteran sufferers (VA, 2018). Our current and previous presidential administrations have contributed to the funding and development of veteran suicide research and interventions. Since the inception of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act (CHOICE Act) of 2014, veteran suicide data and research has enabled policy makers to focus on reaching veterans living in rural areas.  Veterans living in rural areas account for nearly one fourth of the veteran population (VA,2018). Veterans living in rural areas have a 20%-22% greater risk of death by suicide in comparison to veterans living in urban areas. According to the Veterans Affairs Office of Rural Health, 4.7 million veterans return from active military careers to live in rural areas, only 2.5 million are enrolled to receive VA health care services, and far more than half of enrolled veterans living in rural areas have service-connected disabilities (VA.gov: Veterans Affairs 2016).

In 2014, President Barrack Obama and Senator John McCain III set the groundwork for veteran mental health care reform with the passage of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act (CHOICE Act) of 2014. With this act, veterans in rural areas had expanded options to receive care from non-VA providers with the VHA’s coordination and approval. The CHOICE Act also highlighted health care staffing disparities via staff shortage reports required by the VA Office of Inspector General, and the identification of the need to increase Graduate Medical Education (GME) residency positions in the mental health specialty.

The Choice Act was further amended in 2016 with the passing of the Jeff Miller and Richard Blumentha Veterans Heath Care and Benefits Improvement Act to further increase the number of GME residency positions over 10 years instead of five and extended the program to 2024 (Albanese et al., 2019). Despite the increase in GME residency positions and extensions of program funding, health care disparities in rural areas continued their negative trend. At this point, veteran advocates and policy makers identified the physician shortage gap in rural areas as a mission-critical priority for the VHA and began working towards the John S McCain III, Daniel K. Akaka, and Samuel R. Johnson VA Maintaining Internal System and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks (MISSION) Act of 2018.

In June 2018, the Obama administrations groundwork for the MISSION Act paved the way for the Trump Administration to see it through to fruition. With the problem stream of rural access leading policy formation, the MISSION Act created interventions based on physician shortages that now determine location, specialty, and amount GME residency positions within outlined parameters. Essentially focus has shifted from interventions to bring veterans to health care providers (HCP), to interventions to bring HCP to veterans. These interventions include expanding VA Health Care Profession Scholarships (HPSP) to graduate education for nurse practitioners select, who are allowed to practice at their full scope of practice without physician supervision. These expansions will increase patient access to quality health care and improve staffing shortages in rural veteran communities (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2016). In addition to GME improvements, veterans now could seek medical assistance from non-VA facilities without penalty when in need.

Most recently, the Biden Administration passed the Sgt. Ketchum Rural Veterans Mental Health Act of 2021. This bill was created in honor of its name’s sake, Sergent Brandon Ketchum, in addition to many other sailors, marines, and soldiers who lost their battles with suicidal ideation in the face of limited access to care.  Sgt. Ketchum was a 33-year-old Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse after returning home to a rural area in Iowa. In 2016 he presented to the Iowa City VA Hospital where he asked to be admitted before the psychiatrist determined inpatient care was not needed at the time. Brandon returned home and committed suicide that night. An investigation was completed and no HCP’s were found to be directly responsible for his death; however, quality patient education on suicidal ideation, risk factor ratings, and access to routine outpatient psychiatric mental health services or the lack there of could be at fault.  Under this bill, rural veterans diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Affective Disorder, Major Depression, PTSD, an

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