Discussion Question Visit South’s online library and review these two articles. Connelly, L. M. (2014). Use of theoretical frameworks in research. MEDSURG Nursing, 23(3), 187-188. Green, H. E. (2014). Use of theoretical and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research. Nurse Researcher, 21(6), 34-38. Next, review the evidence you are collecting for your proposed study. Which theories have others cited?

Are you seeing a common theme? Next construct a conceptual map (see p. 138 in your textbook). Use Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint and include this as an attachment. Be sure you have defined the concepts and included relational statements. Provide constructive, supportive feedback to your classmates' posts. Theoretical and conceptual frameworks are terms in which are used interchangeably in research. Green (2014) mentions that some research methods do not use a theoretical or conceptual framework in their designs. Theoretical frameworks which guides a study and allows the researcher to link their findings to knowledge is typically used in quantitative and outcomes research. The articles found on recurrent hospital admissions and visits to the emergency department for children with asthma are mostly done through quantitative research. The quantitative articles had a theoretical framework even though not all of them mentioned this type of framework in their studies which is based on grounded theory. Each article either used an observational study or retrospective cohort study to identify if receiving the proper education would decrease the risk of multiple hospital admissions or recurrent visits to the emergency department for children with asthma. The articles collected data for each study which then supported the theory that certain characteristics and not receiving proper education at discharge put children with asthma at risk for multiple visits to the emergency department.

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