Discussion: Philosophy of Nursing Practice DNP as Social Change Agent


The mission and vision of Walden University cite “advancing the greater global good” and educating students to “effect positive societal change” (Walden, 2020).  DNP-prepared nurses are trained to become nurse leaders and agents of change, which help to improve and transform the healthcare system (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2006).  All of these qualities are what have pushed me to continue my education.  As I grow as a clinical provider as well as a leader, I hope to use my knowledge to influence young providers and encourage open-minded practice.  The healthcare system has transformed and hospitals are busier than ever.  The underserved patient populations are relying on healthcare providers to manage them in a holistic manner, instead of as individual medical complaints.  As nurses, we are trained to assess patients holistically, and as more nursing leaders of change enter the workforce, perhaps there will be an improvement in overall patient care.

Thank you for your post Katherine.  It is interesting to read how our philosophies are similar even though you are an Nurse Practitioner and I am in Nursing Administration.  Treating the patient holistically is something I strive to do throughout my time as a nurse.  When I was a bedside nurse, I remember repeating to myself “treat the patient, not the machine.”  Looking over the DNP glossary from this week’s reading, one of the flash cards is Interprofessional Collaboration and is described as utilizing both the individual and collective skills and experience of team members, allowing them to function more effectively and deliver a higher level of care (Walden University 2021).  Your social change goal is to create a more holistic manner of care rather than treating a single condition.  Tagging on to the Interprofessional Collaboration description, does the widespread use of EHRs assist with the holistic approach to patient care?  I am sure it depends on what EHRs system you are using, however as a bedside nurse with an EPIC EHR, I was able to view past hospital visits along with office visits.  I felt this enabled me to see a broader view of the patient’s history which enable me to have a better view of what the patient was in the hospital for.  McEwan & Wills (2019) also notes that nursing education is moving away from a large focus on skills and tasks to an increased focus on the integration of content and problem-solving strategies. Which will assist you with the goal of moving towards a holistic approach to patient care.

McEwen, M., PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, & Wills, E. M., PhD, RN. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.). LWW

Walden University. (2021). DNP glossary [Interactive media]. Walden University Blackboard. https://class.waldenu.edu

Read on: https://nursingassignmentgurus.com/post-an-explanation-of-your-philosophy-of-nursing-practice-that-briefly-describes-your-nursing-experience-and-areas-of-expertise/

Nurses perceive the health practice and routine responsibilities differently depending on their understanding of patient care, experience, and specialties, among other factors. As nurses execute their everyday functions, health outcomes and relationship with patients are highly influenced by a nurse’s philosophy. Cheraghi et al. (2019) described nursing philosophy as the values, ethics, beliefs, and motivations that inspire nurses to be health care professionals. I look forward to using my experience and skills to promote healthy living founded on kindness, empathy, compassion, and patient-centeredness. As an experienced mental health professional, I use these values in everyday care as a psychiatric nurse to influence patient-centered mental health care with the belief that nursing must be guided by caring, integrity, and sacrifice. It is a profession dedicated to improving other people’s lives.

As a nurse committed to deliver the best care and transform society, my general belief is that nurses should empathize with patients at all times. Patients also need to be understood and treated compassionately and given the confidence and assurance that they will be healed. As I examine how the world changes and the health problems that people experience, I believe that nursing should be lifelong learning where we must remain committed to addressing global health issues. In agreement with Roberts (2018), mental illness is a global problem that requires a global response. As a result, I am inspired to expand my experience and practice as a DNP to address global health issues such as mental health disorders as culturally and linguistically appropriate.

As a DNP, I

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