Discussion: Examining Nursing Specialties NURS 6003

Nursing is a field that is filled with a litany of specialties to choose from, with each of them presenting its own distinctive opportunities and obstacles. Some of the known specialties in the Walden program include family nurse practitioner (FNP), pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP), psychiatry-mental health nurse practitioner, and adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner. A person’s decision to pursue a particular nursing specialty and leadership position could be influenced by a litany of factors that includes but are not limited to the following; personal interests and abilities, work-life balance, job outlook, and earning potential. Nevertheless, deciding on a nurse specialty or leadership position could be a herculean task considering that each specialty has its own pros and cons. Some nurses might have a very clear perspective of what they want to do, whereas others might be struggling with indecision.

For me, some of the difficulties I had in my choice of Family Nurse Practitioner among the litany of Walden MSN programs were, being able to balance patient care with administrative tasks such as charting, managing patient schedules and ordering tests, and maintaining work-life balance considering that family nurse practitioners tend to work long hours and may have a schedule that is highly demanding. On the other hand, the professional goals that drove my decision to settle with the family nurse practitioner specialty include the following: my desire to make a positive impact on the lives of patients across their lifespan, provide optimal patient care,  my desire to play a leadership role in patient care, my passion for preventative care,  having autonomy or the independence to take a clinical decision, the flexibility to choose a healthcare environment to work such as private practices, clinics, hospitals, etc., and high demand for family nurse practitioners in healthcare. These professional goals align with those of the Walden MSN program and will prepare me for the challenges of real-world practice.

For Cherry, B., et al, “Any nurse considering such a leadership position must be willing to embrace and promote 4 essential responsibilities if they are to be successful in leveraging the power of the professional nursing organization to advance nursing practice and influence the future of nursing. These essential responsibilities include the following; 1) promote professional development; 2) push the envelope to advance nursing standards and competencies; 3) address current and unique issues faced by the nurses everywhere; and 4) work within the professional organization structure to accomplish goals.” (Cherry, B., et al, 2019). These essential responsibilities will go a long way in helping the nurses who might be struggling with indecision to be decisive.


“A professional organization, also called a professional association or body, seeks to further a particular profession and the interest of its members and the public it serves. Many professional nursing organizations exist, and the cost of membership can vary greatly.” (Nurse.org., 2015)

A professional organization that is affiliated with family nurse practitioners is the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). AANP is a national organization that represents the interests of nurse practitioners, including family nurse practitioners (FNPs). “The AANP can provide resources for continuing education, job postings, information about NP certification boards, and much more useful information.” (AANP, 2019). To become a member of AANP, the person must be a bona fide licensed nurse practitioner with a state board of nursing. AANP membership gives its members access to resources, networking opportunities, and advocacy on behalf of all nurse practitioners.

By choosing the PMHNP as our specialty, we also need to consider the stigma of mental illness is worldly, a significant societal problem. The overall community is widely misinformed regarding this problem, and dread of the mentally ill rests prevailing. Moreover, the stigma directly influences people with mental disorders and the cherished ones who assist them, often incorporating their family members. Stigma, hatred, and bias toward personages with mental illness can be complicated, but they can drive to wreck no matter the extent and add to worsening signs and decreased probability of receiving treatment. Moreover, it negatively affects rehabilitation among people diagnosed with critical mental ailments.

One of the significant interests for people with mental health issues is obtaining mental health care specialists who have the acquaintance and abilities to render extensive attention, including precautionary tactics, primary mental health, psychotherapy, and medication management. Psychiatric mental health nurse p

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