Discussion: Complex Case Study Presentation Discussion: Complex Case Study Presentation In Weeks 4, 7, and 9 of the course, you will participate in clinical discussions called grand rounds. In one of these three weeks, you will be a presenter as well as help facilitate the online discussion; in the others you will be an active discussion participant. When it is your week to present, you will create a Focused SOAP note and a short didactic (teaching) video presenting a real (but de-identified) complex patient case from your practicum experience. You should have received an assignment from your Instructor letting you know which week of the course you are assigned to present. By Day 3 Post your video and your focused SOAP note to the Grand Rounds Discussion forum. You must submit two files for the SOAP note,

Identification of the disease affecting a patient starts from recording objective data and determining the patient’s history (Suer & Sehgal, 2021). The identification process would allow a physician to develop a medical intervention based on the signs and symptoms presented by the patient. The objective data aids in revealing infections in a patient. This paper analyzes the clinical manifestation of Mr. C to examine what he is ailing from and the required measures of treatment.

Clinical Manifestation of Mr. C

The objective data on the patients shows that Mr. C suffers from obesity and is likely to have type 2 diabetes and heart malfunction. The reason behind this projection comes from the BMI of the patient. For instance, the data shows that MR. C weighs 134.5kg and has a height of 68 inches showing that he is obese and susceptible to type 2 diabetes. The blood pressure of the patient is 172/98 implying that he is suffering from uncontrolled hypertension. Despite Mr. C mentioning that he has been avoiding sodium in his diet, its effect has not been effective. The creatinine serum in the blood is 1.8, a BUN of 32, and a 3+ pitting edema bilateral feet and ankles. This sign shows that the patient might be suffering from chronic kidney disease. The cholesterol readings are 250, with the HDL at 30 and the triglycerides at 312. This information indicates the signs of hyperlipidemia on the patient. The history of the patient being heavy since childhood and increasing weight in the last 2-3 years makes him susceptible to depression and heart diseases.

Potential Health Risks and Bariatric Surgery

The increase in weight recorded by the patient is a health risk and should be one of the major concerns for the patient. Mr. C is certain that he is obese and has been experiencing breathing problems. Besides, the high blood pressure and sleep apnea evident on the patient data also increase the risk of diabetes. These signs imply that Mr. C has various potential health risks like chronic kidney failure, high blood pressure, cancer, sleep apnea, and cardiovascular infections. Studies have shown that Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective interventions to treat patients. It will be important in reducing weight and last for more than five years (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, 2019).

The information given by Mr. C further shows that he has been gaining weight rapidly, which has resulted in breathing problems. The patient works in a catalog call center where the main duty is to sit and receive calls for better work. This work does not involve more physical activities. The primary work of the patient promotes obesity. Scholars define obesity as the accumulation and retention of body fat that would increase the physical weight of a person. Besides, these studies have further connected obesity to many health complications such as heart disease, kidney, diabetes, stroke, and hypertension (Lee et al.., 2019). These complications always culminate in death. Mr. C further said that he is unable to lose weight and have control of his pressure. These comments imply that Mr. C is not able to sustain a healthy life.

Functional Health Pattern

Bodyweight is one of the potential problems facing the patient. All the infections diagnosed on the patient rely on his obese nature. Mr. C does work that does not encourage physical exercise. Sitting all day while receiving and answering calls has a limited physical activity that can increase the body’s health status. The patient understands himself; he has a self-concept on the issues affecting him. For instance, he was certain that his body weight had increased in the last three years but did nothing to curb bodyweight (Mayo Clinic, 2019). Self-perception plays a significant role in compelling a person to undertake measures beneficial to them. However, in this case, Mr. C is reluctant about his condition and seems to take everything as normal. The health management measures taken by the patient are poor. The patients look at everything from a normal perspective without realizing that hos condition is tragic and would lead to death. The coping tolerance strategy of the patient is high (Lee et al.., 2019). He does not want to feel the stress of undergoing healthy eating and activities that would aid in correcting their conditions. These functional patterns seem to be worsening the condition of the patient each day.

Staging of End-stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and Contributing Factors to Consider

ESRD is an end-stage kidney disease that occurs when chronic kidney disease has gradually lost kidney functions to an advanced state. In this stage, the kidney of a patient cannot function as required to meet the body’s needs. The kidney filters end up wasting a lot of fluids from blood excreted as urin

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