Discussion Board 4: Making Friends There are 2 parts to this discussion. Details on what is expected in both parts is found below the prompt. Prompt: Choose one part of the brain (medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, cerebellum, or one of the cerebral lobes). Apply what you have learned in Hands On Lab: Brain to design a fake Facebook page (this should be a post in the style of a Facebook page, but not an actual Facebook page) for the region of the brain you have chosen. It should include:

Basic Profile
Name: Hypothal
Birthday: March 4th, 2002
Relationship Status: Single
Resides in: Underground street.
It is located at the underside of the brain and is found just below the hypothalamus and above the pituitary gland.
Schooled at: Affection college
The stress response by hypothalamus is related to love and affection. Thalamus produces different hormones such as vasopressin, oxytocin and dopamine when feelings of love begin developing (Miyake et al., 2022).
Friends with:
Medulla Oblongata: This part is found at the lower half of the stem of the brain (Basinger & Hogg, 2019). It is the part that controls automatic functions one’s body and also transmits message from the spine to the brain. Medulla Oblongata keeps the health and respiratory systems.
Pituitary gland: It is a small and essential organ. In instances when pituitary gland is not functioning well then different parts of the human brain such as growth, emotions, energy, skin, growth, vision, brain and reproductive system. It also dictates releasing of hormones for the body’s glands (Bigzad, 2022).
Pons: Entails different nerves that links the cerebellum and cerebrum (Sciacca et al., 2019). In conjunction with medulla oblongata pons produce apid eye movement and respiratory rhythm. One’s sleep is also determined by the effectiveness of pons.
Cerebellum: It is an essential part of the brain. It is found below the cerebrum. It controls movement, balance and coordination. It also controls voluntary muscles such as kicking and dancing.
Facebook groups
• Endocrine community
This is because hypothalamus ensures that internal process of one’s body are coordinated and signals pituitary gland release specific hormones.
• Response and control society
This is because hypothalamus is responsible of homeostasis and receives and signals information about one’s body through impulses of nerves.
Two posts hypothalamus would make
I treasure my family from the bottom of my hypothalamus.
A balance of life is chital as it helps one to cope with different situations.

Bio 168-Basic Profile

Basinger, H., & Hogg, J. P. (2019). Neuroanatomy, brainstem.
Bigzad, A. (2022). An Observation on Endocrine Glands with Low Secretions but High Effects. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 9(1), 191-195.
Miyake, N., Nagai, T., Suga, H., Osuka, S., Kasai, T., Sakakibara, M., … & Kajiyama, H. (2022). Functional lactotrophs in induced adenohypophysis differentiated from human iPS cells. Endocrinology, 163(3), bqac004.
Sciacca, S., Lynch, J., Davagnanam, I., & Barker, R. (2019). Midbrain, pons, and medulla: anatomy and syndromes. Radiographics, 39(4), 1110-1125.


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