Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?


The different types of learning styles that are represented by the AVRK acronym are targeted at helping instructors to improve their teaching efficiencies when engaging students. By understanding each student’s preferred learning style, the instructor is able to develop the best teaching style that effectively engages all learners while presenting an advantageous and satisfying education environment. This is important for ensuring that the students retain the learning material (VARK, 2020). This awareness is important for health care delivery, particularly health promotion where patients and other members of the public are engaged with instructional materials with life implications. By incorporating the understanding of the different learning styles, health care providers are able to present the patient education material in a learning mode preferred by the audience thereby facilitating knowledge retention and maximizing the value of the learning activity (Grebner, 2015). In addition, this approach is important for ensuring that patient education occurs in an efficient manner with more information being retained while less time is spent on learning activities. It increases the speed at which the audience processes, understands and applies the information being transmitted (Karim et al., 2019). As such, it is important to conduct health promotion only after having a good understanding of the individual patients learning modes and incorporating that information in the method applied to deliver the learning content.


Bhagat, A., Vyas, R., & Singh, T. (2015). Students awareness of learning styles and their perceptions to a mixed method approach for learning. International Journal of Applied & Basic Medical Research, 5(Suppl. 1), S58-S65. https://doi.org/10.4103/2229-516X.162281

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