Discuss what is meant by the term Qualitative Research Briefly, describe the characteristics of qualitative research and identify nursing issues/phenomena that lend themselves to a qualitative research approach. Compare and contrast three different qualitative research methodologies. Briefly, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research evidence for informing nursing practice.

Critical Research Appraisal

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Critical Research Appraisal
This paper will focus on a critical appraisal of one article that employs a qualitative research design. The focus group research by Rishoej et al. was chosen as a qualitative research design (2018). The article discusses medical errors, which have become one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Despite the fact that recent research like Hopkins Johns’ implies that over 0.25 million Americans die each year as a result of medical errors, other researchers estimate that the figure is closer to 440,000 (Sipherd, 2018). These issues are likely the driving force for a slew of new research on medical errors.

Critical Research Appraisal

Qualitative Research Overview
Qualitative research is a naturalistic research approach aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of social indicators in their natural settings. Its emphasis is on “why” questions regarding societal harbingers rather than “what” questions. Societies, cultures, and people are the three primary emphasis areas of such research. Statistical approaches and numbers are rarely used as a gateway to research instruments and indicators in qualitative researches. Furthermore, such researches are not based on numerical data. Instead, qualitative research uses words as the analytic element and always employs an in-depth and comprehensive approach to interpreting issues, situations, and occurrences. Qualitative studies are typically flexible, adaptable, and use numerous data gathering procedures as a result of this. Nurses employ qualitative research to identify the appropriate therapies for each patient, according to Korstjens and Moser (2018). Nurses also conduct qualitative research to acquire information that aids in deciding how to advance with healthcare delivery.
Qualitative Research Methodologies
There are six distinct qualitative research methodologies, however, only three will be mentioned in this paper. A researcher does not have to start with well-formed assumptions in any of the six methodologies. Multiple data gathering approaches are used in the phenomenological technique to reveal how a person feels about a certain event or topic. In contrast to the phenomenological methodology, grounded theory methodology seeks to demonstrate why an event sequence occurred the way it did. The approach is based on a large number of subjects. It simply makes use of previous researches and interviews to form ideas based on the information gathered. The ethnographic model, like anthropologists, seeks to identify and grasp the peculiarities of many cultures. It generally involves the researcher becoming immersed as a subject for an extended amount of time. Geographic limits may be a source of worry during data collecting with this strategy.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Research Design
Qualitative research has a number of strengths when done correctly. Issues may be thoroughly investigated, and the orientation and structure may be promptly updated when new information becomes available. There is also no restriction on the interviews with specific questions, which may be revisited in real-time. The research design, however, has certain flaws, since its quality is primarily reliant on the researcher’s personal abilities, and its accuracy is difficult to maintain, analyze, and prove.
How Qualitative Research Design is Used in Research
Scientists and researchers use the qualitative research design to investigate perspectives, motives, issues, and human interactions. It is a kind of research that looks at how information is communicated in natural environments through behavior and language. It is used to collect expressive information about ideas, values, beliefs, and attitudes that underpin actions that are not expressed in quantitative data. Qualitative research techniques may be found in a wide range of fields and cultures. They are used to find out what is essential to patients and others, to offer meaning for quantitative results, and to suggest factors that will be essential in future clinical investigations. Qualitative research has been promoted as a means of accessing areas that other methodologies are unable to reach.

Critical Research Appraisal

Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Report
The article chosen is “Qualitative exploration of practices to prevent medication errors in neonatal intensive care units” by Rishoej et al. (2018). The aim of the research was to look at current and future approaches for reducing medical errors (MEs) in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU

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