Discuss the type of integration data from your defined patient population in Topic 4 DQ 1 would require. How could the EHR database facilitate this type of integration between clinical and administration systems



Electronic Health Record (EHR) are used in our healthcare organization and widely used to research as well. The validity of the results is dependent upon the assumptions of the healthcare system. EHR based data have challenges and some threats to validity and includes target population, availability and interpretability of clinical and non-clinical data. EHR includes socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity that can be compared. Availability of data for fundamental markers of health are important for identifying inequities. The data has the ability to capture individuals clinical trials , data sets and measures the outcome that has potential risk factors. The EHR can be robust, informative and important to the understanding of health and disease in the population.

The Veterans Health Administration is a one-of-a-kind healthcare organization that can illuminate how to implement a community health strategy to increase vaccine acceptance. I work at the VA, and I can tell you that we serve a distinct community population. The COVID-19 pandemic, combined with vaccine reluctance, has posed a public health risk. The use of EHR-based tools in a population health approach to vaccine uptake can have a significant impact on healthcare system immunization rates. In the years preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine hesitancy, defined as “the unwillingness or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines,” was listed as a “top 10” global health issue. Large-scale vaccine skepticism focuses on authoritative voices, involving health care workers, scientists, and techniques. The scale and scope of the Veterans Health Administration, the characteristics of EHR primary focuses in health population, a track record of high quality preventive care, and the development of an evidence-based vaccine hesitancy strategy The ultimate goal is to boost vaccine uptake in clinical and operational settings. Identifying educational opportunities for clinicians and veterans is one step toward increasing vaccine acceptability. The development of vaccination acceptance tools, as well as the implementation of a population health approach, will be easily accessible.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID Data tracker. Available at: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-datatracker/#vaccinations_vacc-total-admin-rate-total. Accessed September 1, 2021.

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