Discuss the stakeholders who would support the proposed idea and explain why they would be in support. Stakeholder(s)

Supporting 1 The nursing groups and unions within the state would welcome this idea as it would work to ease their work burden. The problem of overtime within the state of Michigan has been identified as a menace to service delivery. Efforts to incorporate laws that address this issue have been supported unanimously by the nurses. Through this, their mandatory working hours would be reduced, and pay for overtime introduced to help motivate them.
Stakeholder(s) Supporting 2 The citizens of Michigan would also support setting mandatory working hours for nurses through legislation. Advocating for this regulation would allow patients to receive quality care from motivated healthcare workers, thus improving their chances of receiving quality treatment. There have been complaints from patients, of whom most are residents of the state, on the insufficient attention paid to them by primary care professionals (Bowling, 2018). This has translated to distrust in the public health system. The public supports these proposed changes as they would be direct beneficiaries of the change intended.

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